Now is the time to help me SAVE AMERICA and chip in >

I’m speaking directly to Sleepy Joe Biden. RESIGN IMMEDIATELY!

I need 1 MILLION of my strongest Patriots to sign this letter, so he can’t possibly ignore our message.

So PLEASE, before the end of the day, SIGN TRUMP’S LETTER TO BIDEN! >


Read it here first…


Dear Crooked Joe Biden,

You are the WORST President in this history of the United States - and it’s NOT EVEN CLOSE.

You’ve done a REALLY TERRIBLE job. Right now, it’s a disaster, there’s NEVER been a time of chaos like this in America. AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT.

The American people deserve to know why you allowed MILLIONS of people, many from prisons and mental institutions, to invade our Country at our now very OPEN Southern Border. 

They deserve to know why you allow energy prices to skyrocket, our economy to crash, and inflation to reach levels that we have never seen before. 

But even if you are aware of your many failures, you would NEVER answer for them.

That’s why I’m calling on you to RESIGN IN DISGRACE or face the wrath of the American people at the ballot box in November.

Mark my words, Joe. We will win back the White House, and when we do, our country will finally be freed from the creatures you have doing your dirty work.

There’s nothing you can do to stop us from peacefully MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


I need your help to deliver Crooked Joe a message he NEVER forgets.

So PLEASE, before the end of the day, SIGN TRUMP’S LETTER TO BIDEN! >

Thank you and God bless you,

Now is the time to CHIP IN and help me SAVE AMERICA >
Now is the time to CHIP IN and help me SAVE AMERICA >

Donald J. Trump

45th President of the United States


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Paid for by Trump National Committee JFC Inc., a joint fundraising committee composed of and authorized by Donald J. Trump for President 2024, Inc. and the Republican National Committee. 


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