***Thanks to the many of you who tried to join the livestream earlier today – we apologize that there were some technical issues that made it difficult to participate. We are broadcasting what was a very powerful event shortly, at 5pm ET/ 2pm PT, at facebook.com/anewppc***

See below for description.

The way to honor the divine in the holy season is to fight for everyone’s right to live. – Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis

Dear John,

Before a single case of COVID-19 was diagnosed, nearly 700 people died from poverty each day in the United States.

Please join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival and MoveOn.org today at 5pm ET/ 2pm PT, for a digital town hall on the moral revolution that must occur in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The event will be broadcast on our Facebook page.

Rev. Dr. William Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis, co-chairs of the Poor People’s Campaign, will join with Imam Omar Suleiman, Rev. Terri Hord Owens and Rabbi Michael Lerner in the online event, “Moral Revolution: An Interfaith Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic.”

Imam Suleiman is the founder and president of Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research, Rev. Hord Owens is the general minister and president of Disciples of Christ, and Rabbi Lerner is the founder of Tikkun Magazine and Rabbi of Beyt Tikkun.

MoveOn Congressional Liaison and Washington D.C. strategist Reggie Hubbard will facilitate the discussion.

This is the second event that the PPC has co-hosted with MoveOn on the theme of Poverty Amidst Pandemic. Please tune in at 5pm ET for this inspiring conversation on a moral response to COVID-19 and reasons for hope in these times of grief, confusion and despair.

After this pandemic is over, if we simply rebuild with the same broken structures we will have failed. Instead we demand a moral agenda, and a more just and compassionate society.

We released a new litany this week, our moral statement and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for the text version which can be read in religious services, organizing events, and shared widely. And please use and share this moving video version read by faith leaders from across the Campaign.

Forward together,

Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival

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