Friend — We need to talk about the Supreme Court.

One of the biggest barriers to progress in America today is our far-right SCOTUS, and it’s time we take action to prevent the further rollback of our rights.

If you agree, take just 30 seconds to sign our petition calling on Congress to expand the Supreme Court and secure our fundamental civil rights.


Let’s take a quick look at how we got here.

In 2016, Republicans blocked the nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, completely denying President Obama his constitutional duty to fill a vacancy on the Court.

In 2018, Donald Trump and the Senate GOP rushed Justice Kavanaugh through the confirmation process while wholly dismissing the credible allegations made against him by Christine Blasey Ford.

In 2022, SCOTUS struck down the Roe v. Wade decision, rolling back the right to choose and criminalizing abortion in many states across the country. And since then there has been decision after decision that only serves to further the far-right’s national agenda.

Now, in 2024, we have the opportunity to take action. Before more disastrous decisions are handed down. Before Trump and the GOP have the chance to take the White House and the Senate majority and go even farther to stack the court with conservative extremists.

So please, add your name to our petition and show your support for expanding the Supreme Court. It’s up to us to show the grassroots strength of our movement for reform >>


Thank you for your help today.

In solidarity,

Team Markey

Paid for by The Markey Committee

The Markey Committee
PO Box 69
Medford, MA 02155
United States

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