
May 12, 2024

Dear John:


This is the wonderful weekend where Minnesotans celebrate both the opening of fishing season and Mother's Day. I hope you all are having a happy, safe, and relaxing weekend!


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Illegal immigration cost Minnesota taxpayers $877.5 MILLION last year. And now, this Administration is moving forward with policies that ask them to foot the bill for their healthcare costs, too. 


The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services has published a final rule that extends healthcare benefits under the Affordable Care Act to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. 


These policies punish hardworking citizens and benefit those who broke the law. 


I am co-leading a Congressional Review Act to stop this rule. Rather than bending over backward for people who have broken the law, President Biden and his Administration need to focus on policies that are serious about addressing the immigration crisis happening in this country. 


Ag on the Mall

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I was glad to attend Ag on the Mall, hosted by the Association of Equipment Manufacturers, which showcases America's equipment manufacturers, farmers, ranchers, and innovators. I got to see first-hand all the equipment used around the country. And it was great to see some friendly Minnesota faces at the event!


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Including Citizenship Question on Census

This week, the House passed the Equal Representation ActThis bill directs the inclusion of a citizenship question on the next census. It also makes it clear that only citizens are included in the population of a state. 


This bill accomplishes two goals. First, by getting a clear understanding of the number of citizens in a state, the federal government can more appropriately direct funding. Without this clarification, states with a larger number of non-citizens receive an inflated amount of funding. Second, this bill restores the "one person, one voice" principle. Currently, non-citizens are wrongly included in a state's population, giving those states an edge when census data is used in apportioning representatives for Congress and numbers of electors for President.



Empowering Rural Communities

The Ways and Means Committee marked up legislation this week to protect and expand telehealth access and health care in rural communities. Then, we took the discussion to the field with a hearing called "Empowering Native American and Rural Communities" in Scottsdale, Arizona. Among other things, we talked with local experts about ways to enhance access to rural health care and pro-growth tax policies. One of the biggest issues in the 7th District is the workforce shortage, so I took the opportunity to ask our witnesses their thoughts.


Click here to watch my full discussion with witness Mr. Kupferman, Senior Vice President of Physician Enterprise.



The current practice of providing ad hoc assistance after a disaster is both inefficient and costly. Our farmers deserve better. This week, Congressman Brad Finstad and I introduced the Federal Agriculture Risk Management Enhancement and Resilience (FARMER) Act, legislation that will strengthen crop insurance and make higher levels of coverage more affordable for producers.

Specifically, the FARMER Act would:

  • Increase premium support for higher levels of crop insurance coverage, which will enhance affordability and reduce the need for ad-hoc disaster assistance;
  • Improve the Supplemental Coverage Option (SCO) by increasing premium support and expanding the coverage level, providing producers with an additional level of protection, and;
  • Direct the Risk Management Agency (RMA) to conduct a study to improve the effectiveness of SCO in large counties.

This bill will make crop insurance more affordable, reduce the need for case-by-case assistance, and ensure that family farmers can pass their operations to the next generation.


Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. And, if you think any of your friends or family would be interested in these updates, feel free to forward this along. Have a great week!






Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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