
As we continue to battle the spread of COVID-19, essential workers are keeping our country running.

Healthcare professionals, first responders, postal workers, delivery drivers, store clerks, and service workers are risking their own safety every day to keep us safe and healthy, stock and deliver necessary supplies, and keep our country running.

As essential workers, all of us here at MCSO are working hard to combat COVID-19 by maintaining public safety and sharing verified information and resources. We are committed to serving our community throughout this crisis -- and we are grateful to work alongside such brave, talented, and dedicated professionals in these unprecedented times.

We will continue to keep you updated as the situation changes, and in the meantime, you can always visit the CDC’s website for more information. If you have further questions or believe you may have been exposed to COVID-19, call the Arizona Department of Health Services at (844) 542-8201.

-- Sheriff Paul Penzone



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Paid for by Penzone for Sheriff. Authorized by Penzone for Sheriff.

Penzone for Sheriff
3370 N. Hayden Road #123
Scottsdale AZ 85251 United States