If you didn’t sign the letter to President Trump when we sent the link Tuesday or Wednesday, hurry up and sign it today before we send it to the White House!
If you have already signed the letter, you don’t need to sign it again. In short, the letter thanks President Trump for his leadership and lets him know that the American people support his efforts to get people back to work in a responsible and safe manner. The media and the left have attacked President Trump mercilessly for even raising the idea – to even begin discussion of what guidelines might look like for people to return to work – and so, it falls to us to make sure he knows that despite what the media says, Americans want and need to go back to work.
Below are some additional links and action items you can take to help us reopen the country! In short, the letter thanks President Trump for his leadership and lets him know that the American people support his efforts to get people back to work in a responsible and safe manner. The media and the left have attacked President Trump mercilessly for even raising the idea – to even begin discussion of what guidelines might look like for people to return to work – and so, it falls to us to make sure he knows that despite what the media says, Americans want and need to go back to work.
Below are some additional links and action items you can take to help us reopen the country!
Articles to Read and Share
The following are action items you can take to help support President Trump and reopen the country!
1. If you have not already, sign the letter to President Trump that tells him you appreciate his work in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis. He is the man we need as President right now because he is a leader who puts America and Americans first. He is unfailingly optimistic about the greatness of America and knows that, as a nation, we can overcome this hardship. We agree. We support his efforts to get America working again. We will work to keep those at high-risk safe while also letting those who are able to get back to work, while maintaining social distancing guidelines. If you can do nothing else this week, please take the time to sign this letter to President Trump. We will send this letter to the White House so they can see the President has backup.
2. Call the White House to tell them you agree with President Trump, Americans want to work. Tell them your thoughts on reopening the economy. 202-456-1111
3. Forward this email to others and ask them to sign the letter as well. We need as many people as possible to support President Trump as he works to flatten the curve and develop a plan to get Americans working again.
4. Call your member of Congress and your Senators to tell them, while we must balance the need to slow the spread, America must reopen for business. Look to your local news about local unemployment numbers and remind those elected officials, each number represents a family of their voters. They want to work, not to be unemployed.
5. Follow us on social media this week. We will call out those on the left and in the media, who are actively trying to undermine President Trump and send this country into a depression. As we do, share those posts on Facebook and retweet them on Twitter.
6. Post and share our timeline of the actions President Trump has taken to fight COVID-19.
7. Pray. Pray for our country and our fellow Americans. Pray for those who are sick and those who are in mourning. Pray for the caretakers and medical professionals. Pray for business owners, employees, and those who recently entered the ranks of the unemployed. Pray for President Trump, Vice President Pence, and the entire Coronavirus Task Force. Pray that all of us feel God’s presence, guidance, comfort, and the peace only He can give.
Finally, The Committee to Unleash Prosperity sends out a daily email that is right now focusing on the economy during this crisis and a group of allies who are pushing for guidelines that would allow our economy to get started again! Subscribe.
Thank you for all you are doing! And make sure to share the letter to President Trump on social media and/or over email! In liberty,
Jenny Beth Martin
![]() Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes. © 2020 Tea Party Patriots Action 80 M St SE, First Floor, Washington, D.C. 20003
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