Hi John,
I wish I were reaching out with better news this Saturday morning, but I have an urgent update to share with you:
In just a few hours, former President Donald Trump is set to take the stage at a campaign rally in Wildwood, New Jersey.
Like any Trump rally, we can expect him to unleash rants and tirades that spread dangerous lies and conspiracy theories about our elections, slam President Biden, and use xenophobic rhetoric to drum up support from his far-right base. He’s going to play all the hits.
But John, the reason I’m really worried about today’s rally is that Donald Trump is all but certain to use his platform to attack Sue Altman — the Democrat running in NJ-07, a top pick-up opportunity. Trump knows, as we all do, that the only path to retaking the House majority is by getting Sue across the finish line this November.
It’s absolutely critical that we mount a powerful grassroots response before Trump takes the stage. John, will you pitch in $25 to Sue’s campaign right now to ensure she has the resources to fight back against whatever attacks Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans throw her way?
Sue is a proven fighter for New Jersey. Throughout her entire career, she’s worked tirelessly to save taxpayers money, strengthen our democracy, and root out corruption on both sides of the aisle.
In Congress, she’ll be the strong voice we need to stand up for reproductive freedom, fight corruption, and lower costs for middle-class and working families.
Her Republican opponent is a rubber stamp for Donald Trump’s extremist agenda. He has the full weight of the Republican establishment behind him, because if Sue flips his seat, Democrats will be on track to flip the House majority blue.
That’s why we have to help Sue Altman prepare for anything Donald Trump throws her way at today’s rally. John, will you rush in a $10 donation before Trump takes the stage to ensure Sue has the resources she needs to fight back?
Thank you for stepping up today,
Morgan McGarvey
