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Dear John

It's been an exciting week of updates.

Firstly, we’re delighted and honoured that His Majesty, The King has announced his patronage of CPRE, the countryside charity.

The King has shown his love for the countryside for many years and has dedicated more than 50 years to championing the UK’s response to the nature and climate crises. Find out more below.

Secondly, this week we celebrated National Hedgerow Week with brand-new research detailing which areas of England would benefit the most from new or restored hedgerows.

Based on data from the Organic Research Centre, eight areas have been identified for hedgerow creation and restoration – scroll down to find out more.

CPRE is delighted to have patronage of His Majesty, The King


CPRE has held Royal patronage since we were founded in 1926 and The King will be the second monarch to serve as patron following his mother, Queen Elizabeth II. We were deeply honoured to have Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II as our patron throughout her long reign. This makes the news of The King’s decision to take on the patronage of the CPRE all the more poignant.

The north would benefit the most from the creation of new hedgerows


Our new report out this week reveals that seven out of the eight areas with the highest hedgerow priority scores for hedgerow action are in the northern half of the country. We’re calling on the government to target these areas to help deliver its commitment to create or restore 30,000 miles of hedgerow by 2037 - read more on our website by clicking the button below. If you're on social media, help us spread the word on Twitter and Facebook.

Our countryside next door: your experiences


You might have seen a lot of discussion in the media recently about the Green Belt. It's the countryside next door for nearly 30 million people, making it a vital point of access to nature, which we all know is hugely important for our mental and physical wellbeing. We recently asked people to share their experiences of the Green Belt or their countryside next door with us - have a read of their first-hand accounts below.

Join CPRE as an Online Campaigns Activist


In the run-up to the 2024 General Election, it’s more important than ever that we amplify your voices in our campaigning work, and we’re expanding our team of online activists to take up to six actions in the coming months. We're particularly keen to hear from people aged 18 - 30 (although this is open to everyone!) based across England. No prior experience is needed for this role! Sign up below.

Help protect the future of the countryside


Becoming a CPRE member is the best way to support a beautiful, thriving countryside for all. We put your money to good use, collaborating with communities and holding government to account for positive change and a sustainable countryside. As well as receiving our exclusive members' magazine, you'll also get exclusive discounts at gardens across the country as our way of saying thank you.


Best wishes,


Cat Rowland

Digital Engagement Officer

CPRE is funded by donations from people like you. Together, we can help our beautiful countryside thrive, for everyone’s benefit - now and for generations to come.

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