We have never been better placed to get the next generation of Green MPs elected.



The election results were remarkable.


We broke records for the fifth year in a row, won more seats proportionately than any other party, and made big breakthroughs in the North as well as the south.


We have never been better placed to get the next generation of Green MPs elected.


But, John, we will have to fight hard to maintain our momentum.


The other parties are rattled and the right-wing media is on the attack.


We’re winning the argument on climate action, the environment, and defending public services.


People are tired of the old parties and want change.


But the Tories and Labour are threatened and are mobilising to stop us.


That’s why, John, we’re asking for your help so we can stand up to them and win when the General Election is called.


We need more funds to build on the local election success and get four strong Green voices elected to parliament.


We need more money to get our message out.


Please donate whatever you can to our Four for 24 campaign.

Thank you for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ