Minnesota Senator Justin D. Eichorn banner image



Gun Control 

On Thursday, Senate Democrats passed a hotly contested gun control bill despite extreme opposition from Republicans. While we had bipartisan agreement to increase penalties on someone illegally buying a gun for felons, Democrats refused to work with us and forced through their own bill that wrapped in gun control measures – targeting law-abiding citizens. The final vote was split along party lines at 34-33, with Democrat Senator Nicole Mitchell, a charged felon herself, casting the decisive vote.  

Saying goodbye to our state flag 

Tomorrow is statehood day, and this year Minnesota is in the process of saying goodbye to our current state flag. The new flag, selected by an unelected commission without any legislative approval required, goes into effect tomorrow. This process has silenced the voice of the majority of Minnesotans. Instead of a broad, inclusive process, a 13-member, unelected commission took it upon themselves to pick new designs, bypassing public input.  

The lack of democratic participation in the decision-making process has not gone unnoticed. My top priority has always been to give you a chance to be heard - Minnesotans should have been included from the start. 

Religious Exemption 

This week, Republicans secured a big win for religious freedom in Minnesota. My colleagues and I successfully passed an amendment to the 2024 Minnesota Human Rights bill that restores crucial protections for religious liberty, which were removed last year. This amendment ensures that people of faith can practice their beliefs without fear of discrimination. 

Last year, Senate Democrats removed these key protections, leaving religious organizations vulnerable to discrimination claims that could lead to costly lawsuits. By passing this bill, we have brought the Minnesota Human Rights Act back in line with both the U.S. and Minnesota Constitutions, allowing religious organizations to follow their faith without fear of expensive lawsuits. 


Justin D. Eichorn

Minnesota Senate, District 6


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg., Room 2235
St. Paul, MN 55155