
Dear John,


It’s National Teacher Appreciation Week, so I want to start out by saying thank you to Minnesota’s educators for all that you do to support our students!

Each of you has dedicated your career to providing young Minnesotans with the knowledge, support and tools they need to succeed – no matter what path they pursue. I've gotten to know many of the tremendous educators teaching students across MN-02 over the years – and it’s my honor to represent you in Congress!

I do want to switch topics for a moment to share an update with you all.

The state of our southern border has been an issue of great concern to me – a concern that has continued to grow. Restoring order at the border is one of the most urgent national security issues facing our country right now. I’ve been disappointed that House Republicans won’t even permit debate on the Bipartisan Border Agreement put forth by the Senate earlier this year. We need to stop using the border as a political wedge issue and actually work together to address it.

On Tuesday, I led a group of my colleagues in urging the President to use all the tools at his disposal – including executive action – to better address security at the southern border, interdict illicit fentanyl and allow for orderly immigration.

I’m pleased to report that the Administration announced actions yesterday.

The Administration issued a new rule that will change the way asylum claims are handled and prevent those with criminal backgrounds or those who pose a security risk from entering our nation.

This is a first step – but Republicans, Democrats and everyone in between must come together to address these challenges. I’ll work with anyone willing to put forth a good faith effort on this front – and it’s my hope we can work together to make real progress on ensuring safety and security at our southern border.

Lastly, my Republican colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene finally made good on her promise this week to try and oust her own leadership. I voted against her effort to throw the House back in chaos – and to shut down the extremists in Congress. The only way the country works is through bipartisanship.


Here's what else I was up to this week:


Honoring International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On Tuesday, I joined Holocaust survivors and their families and loved ones at the U.S. Capitol to remember all those who lost their lives during the Holocaust.

We must honor their memory by sharing their stories and recommit ourselves to fighting antisemitism in all forms.




Securing broadband investments for Le Sueur County
Nobody’s zip code should determine their ability to get online.

I’m proud to be bringing a $1 million federal investment to Le Sueur to help the country construct the broadband infrastructure needed to ensure their residents have reliable, affordable internet access.




Working to erase food insecurity
I visited the Second Harvest food shelf in Lonsdale today to learn more about the ways we can combat food insecurity and work together to ensure no family goes hungry in Minnesota.




Building a new water treatment facility in Northfield
Clean water is essential to Minnesotans' health and wellbeing.


I worked with Northfield Mayor Rhonda Pownell to secure nearly $4 million in federal funding to help the city build a new Water Treatment Facility and improve Minnesotans' access to safe and clean drinking water.




Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:


If you needed any indication that planting season is well underway in Minnesota, look no further! Here is a photo of Les, my ag liaison, calling into our weekly staff meeting from his tractor. I’ll report back with a crop update!




I’ll be back in DC on Tuesday for another week of votes. I hope you enjoy the weekend!


Until next time,

Angie Craig

Member of Congress


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