TakeAction Minnesota Weekly Wrap  


Dear John,

ICYMI, we announced Tuesday that TakeAction Minnesota’s member-led Political Committee is thrilled to endorse Ilhan Omar for re-election to Congress (MN-05)! 🎉

TakeAction has endorsed Rep. Omar several times, but at this moment, we’re especially proud to organize for her re-election. For seven months, Rep. Omar has pushed relentlessly for Ceasefire in Palestine. As Walter wrote in Tuesday’s email announcement: “How Minnesotans cast their ballots by Primary Election Day on August 13 will send a message to Biden, to the Democratic Party, to AIPAC, and to elected officials everywhere: We choose Ilhan Omar, who leads courageously for Ceasefire and fights for our values.” 

This is the third time Republican billionaires have funded a primary opponent against Rep. Omar – because her leadership is a threat to their power. Time and again, she’s stood up against Trumpism, racism, warmongering, and greedy corporations to fight for what we need: reproductive freedom, climate justice, universal health care, and peaceful, safe communities. In this week’s Digest, we are highlighting Ilhan’s leadership, as well as sharing a few exciting things we’re looking forward to this summer!

👉 Join us to get out the vote for Rep. Omar at our weekly phone banks and our upcoming door knocks.

Here's what we're reading, watching, and looking forward to (!!) this week:

1. Ilhan Omar leads 384 worldwide leaders in call for Gaza Ceasefire

We’ve shared this piece before on Rep. Omar’s global leadership for a Ceasefire. It’s worth revisiting and remembering she’s been a vocal advocate for Palestinian rights throughout her career – courageously speaking out when other Democrats stayed silent.

2. Ilhan Omar knows Government must deliver big things

In the early days of COVID lockdown, as Trump failed to protect the American people, Rep. Omar was focused on how to ensure students learning virtually wouldn’t go hungry. She put together a sweeping piece of legislation that allowed the US Department of Agriculture to grant waivers so that schools closed by the pandemic could keep feeding an estimated 30 million children. Then, she successfully extended the program in the face of attacks from the Trump administration. 

3. How Ilhan Omar won over hearts in Minnesota's fifth

This 2018 New Yorker article chronicles the beginnings of Rep. Omar’s career, from coming to the United States seeking asylum, to unseating a 44-year incumbent to win a seat in the Minnesota House – and then winning a Congressional primary two years later. She is clear about what kind of leadership the people deserve: “We’ve become the party that wants to appease everyone and no one. And I think the only way that the Democrats become viable again is if we have people who have moral clarity and courage to say what they need to say and fight for what they need to fight for.”

4. There sure are a lot of Republican billionaires funding the Democratic Primaries

These billionaires and megadonors are targeting progressives who have spoken up for Ceasefire and Palestinian rights. “AIPAC has made it a clear goal to defeat every progressive Democrat it can in 2024. At the end of January, Federal Election Commission filings revealed that the United Democracy Project super PAC already had $40 million on hand by the end of 2023, nearly double the $26 million it spent on the 2022 midterms.” In Rep. Omar’s 2022 primary race, AIPAC contributed $350,000 to the United Democracy Project, an AIPAC-allied group created to boost Omar's opponent’s campaign.

5. Ilhan's opponent, Don Samuels, is a staunch MPD supporter

In the wake of George Floyd’s murder, Rep. Omar introduced a bold package of police accountability legislation. Her opponent, Don Samuels, appeared on Fox News to fearmonger around crime.

6. Ilhan Omar is the choice for supporters of public schools

This 2022 Star Tribune commentary by Greta Callahan, a public school parent and now president of the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers, is worth revisiting. Rep. Omar is a staunch advocate for public schools and educators. Samuels… not so much. Callahan writes, “In 2007, Samuels wrote the foreword to a report advocating for private school vouchers from the right-wing Center of the American Experiment, a propaganda shop that is part of the national Koch-funded network of think tanks.” Yikes. 👀

7. MONDAY: Minneapolis concert to support the Living Wage for Musicians Act

This is the first on our list of things we’re looking forward to! Join TakeAction Minnesota’s very own Twin Cities United Performers (TCUP) as they host a concert in collaboration with United Musicians and Allied Workers in support of the Living Wage for Musicians Act at the Green Room in Minneapolis. And, Rep. Omar, a co-sponsor of the bill, is joining as a special guest! Don’t miss it!

(While we’re on the topic of music, check out The Current’s interview with Gully Boys, whose drummer Nadi is the lead organizer for TCUP, and the new single Gloria from TCUP member Laura Kiernan – released today!)

8. JULY: Roof Depot project makes big moves

In July, the city of Minneapolis will formally transfer the former Roof Depot site to the East Phillips Neighborhood Institute and EPNI is looking for proposals to fill out the southern portion of the building with things like small businesses, non-profits, community spaces, etc. If you’re interested or know someone who might be, check it out and share this cool opportunity with friends!

9. JUNE: Minneapolis People's Pride

No corporations! No cops! Minneapolis People’s Pride is Saturday, June 29th at Powderhorn Park. Save the date, rally your friends, and let's come together to celebrate and support our local queer community.

10. THIS WEEKEND: Corpse flower expected to bloom

Apparently, it smells like rotting meat! Check it out at Como Park Zoo and Conservatory.


And that’s a wrap!

Send us what you’re reading, watching and listening to.

Until next time,

Laura Proescholdt (she/her)
Digital Strategist