For Immediate Release: May 10, 2024 Contact: Grace Hoge
Governor Kelly Vetoes Two Bills
TOPEKA— Governor Laura Kelly today vetoed House Substitute for Senate Bill 172 and House Substitute for Substitute for Senate Bill 232.
The following veto message is from Governor Kelly regarding her veto of House Substitute for Senate Bill 172:
“While I agree that it is important for our state to implement stronger protections against foreign adversaries, this legislation contains multiple provisions that are likely unconstitutional and cause unintended consequences.
“Many of the provisions in House Substitute for Senate Bill 172 are overly broad and not narrowly tailored to enhance our state’s security while limiting the disruption of legitimate investment and business relationships. Additionally, the retroactive nature of this legislation raises further serious constitutional concerns. I am not willing to sign a bill that has the potential to hurt the state’s future prosperity and economic development.
“If the Legislature is serious about protecting Kansans from foreign adversaries, it should consider more narrow, forward-looking proposals that are focused on bad actors while ensuring legitimate business relationships with potential trading partners and small businesses are not impacted.
“Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Substitute for Senate Bill 172.”
The following veto message is from Governor Kelly regarding her veto of House Substitute for Substitute for Senate Bill 232:
“This divisive legislation has broad and sweeping implications that undermine the will of the majority of Kansans who voted overwhelmingly in 2022 to protect the constitutional rights of women to make decisions about pregnancy. This is another blatant attempt by extreme politicians in the Legislature to take more control over women and their families’ personal, private medical decisions.
“Kansans already made it very clear that they don’t want lawmakers involved in personal matters. It’s time we listen to them. As I have said before, I refuse to sign legislation that goes against the will of the majority of Kansans who voted on August 2, 2022.
“Therefore, under Article 2, Section 14(a) of the Constitution, I hereby veto House Substitute for Substitute for Senate Bill 232.”