Minnesota Senator Glenn Gruenhagen banner image

Friends and neighbors,


As many of you know, Senate Democrats launched a frivolous ethics complaint against me last year. A few days before the Senate was scheduled to vote on a transgender surgery bill, I emailed some information to my colleagues. My email contained a link to a Google search results page, which featured a medical video explaining how the surgeries are conducted. I warned my colleagues that the surgeries were graphic and disturbing.


This happened last year, but Democrats sat on it until this week. They timed my hearing to coincide with the ethics hearing for Senator Nicole Mitchell, the Democrat charged with a first-degree felony. It was a clear effort to distract from the Senator Mitchell story, which is clearly far worse.


I am glad to report the ethics committee dismissed the complaint against me, which is what I expected to happen. As elected officials, we have a duty to do our homework. The link I sent contained an academic, medical video used to train physicians. Senators must be able to share research with each other regarding bills that are about to be voted on by the body.


If you watch the hearing, you will see that Democrats were grasping at straws to turn a google search link into a major controversy. The facts, as always, are on our side. You can view the video here:



I also wanted to share with you the release I sent to the media: https://www.mnsenaterepublicans.com/senator-gruenhagen-statement-following-dismissal-of-ethics-complaint/


Thank you for all of your kind words and for your prayers. Now we can get back to the work at hand.


God Bless,

Glenn Gruenhagen


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2417
St. Paul, MN 55155
