
Dear Friend,

From doing homework to applying for jobs and accessing health care, we all know how important reliable internet access is to our daily lives. That’s why we enacted the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) to expand access to broadband and help millions of families across America save on their monthly internet bills. In fact, the ACP has provided benefits to over 35,000 South Jersey families, reducing broadband costs by $15,680,000 annually. 

I’ve heard from many of my constituents about how the ACP has given them much-needed breathing room as they continue to struggle with the cost of living. Unfortunately, without Congressional action, the ACP will run out of funding by the end of this month, jeopardizing the progress we’ve made in closing the digital divide. That’s why I’m calling on my Republican colleagues to work with House Democrats to pass President Biden’s $6 billion supplemental funding request and save this essential program. I’m also proud to be a cosponsor of the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act. I will continue to fight to lower costs for families and expand pathways to the middle class by fighting to protect the ACP.

As always, my office is here to help. If you are experiencing a problem with a federal agency, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office for assistance by visiting my website or calling 856-427-7000. It is an honor to serve you. 


Donald Norcross
Member of Congress

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