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Dear John,

Americans are pessimistic about the state of our democracy. Just 28% are satisfied with how democracy is working, and a majority say Congress fails to recognize the views of people like them.

We’re used to parsing poll numbers like these… but can math also point the way to better elections and governance? I’ll discuss that question with Professor Ismar Volić in our next special webinar on Thursday, May 16 at 2 pm eastern!

Volić is a professor of mathematics at Wellesley College, and author of the new book Making Democracy Count: How Mathematics Improves Voting, Electoral Maps, and Representation. This clear and thought-provoking book introduces a mathematical framework for thinking about our elections – from how we elect our representatives, to how many representatives we should have, to how we draw our districts.

Professor Volić translates mathematical concepts so every reader can understand them, and thoughtfully walks us through his analyses and conclusions.

I’m thrilled to be having this conversation, and I hope you can join us on May 16. Come nerd out with me!

Deb Otis
FairVote Director of Research and Policy

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