May 10, 2024


Introducing Anchored Home 2023-28, our five-year plan to address homelessness


Moving up

Join us in congratulating Mac Lyons and Yvonne Humphrey on their recent promotions to leadership positions within the Coalition!

They will play key roles in implementing Anchored Home, our strategic plan to combat homelessness.


Data report

At the end of March 2024, 3,296 individuals were actively experiencing homelessness in Anchorage. But what does it mean to be "actively experiencing homelessness"? It signifies that a person is staying in a shelter or transitional housing, on the streets or in the woods, or in any location not meant for human habitation.

Piloting solutions in Anchorage

Housing with supportive services has proven successful nationwide. Now we are proving that it also works in Anchorage through the Next Step collaborative housing initiative!

Individuals with safe housing and tailored support can thrive, benefiting not only them personally but also the community at large. Bonus! Housing is less expensive than shelter, saving public resources and taxpayer dollars.

Our current focus with the Next Step initiative is to transition 150 individuals into stable housing by the end of May. Follow our progress and be part of this transformative journey!


Care and concern turn into action

Twice a month, volunteers help us assemble kits of essential supplies that we give away at regular street outreach pop-up events and visits to camps of those who are unsheltered. We couldn’t do this without our volunteers!

Thank you, students

At South Anchorage High, students went all-in for a fundraiser to support people experiencing homelessness and ACEH. Rolls of duct tape were sold … to tape teachers to the wall! Selected teachers stood on chairs during the taping, then chairs were whisked away to see who would stick to the wall the longest.