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Dear Friends and Neighbors,


The complaint against Sen. Mitchell was heard in the Senate Ethics Subcommittee Tuesday this week. Sen. Housley and I co-lead the testimony and presentation on behalf of the 11 senators who signed the complaint against Sen. Mitchell. We explained why a full investigation is necessary to determine if Sen. Mitchell should be allowed to continue serving in the Minnesota Senate. Probable cause clearly demonstrates Sen. Mitchell has violated Senate ethics rules.

Throughout the 3-hour plus hearing, Sen. Mitchell did not speak at all. Instead, she brought her lawyer who sought to undermine the authority of the Senate to discipline its own members by questioning the ability to determine the veracity of every singe fact of the case. The question of if Sen. Mitchell's conduct violated Senate rules is far different from the question of criminal conviction for 1st degree burglary. Serving as a public official is not a right but a privilege after earning the public trust. Between the sworn testimony of law enforcement, comments made by the victim, public comments by Sen. Mitchell's legal team, and public social media posts by Sen. Mitchell herself, it’s abundantly clear Sen. Michell’s actions betray the public trust. 


Sen. Mitchell's attorney offered no defense relevant to the accusations against Sen. Mitchell. His comments were an attempt to distract from the numerous accounts of Sen. Mitchell's behavior by questioning the use of certain legal terms, and procedural criticisms. The mental gymnastics her lawyer dragged the committee through clearly showed his effectiveness as a criminal defense lawyer. On his website, Mr. Ringstrom celebrates the several clients he has gotten off the hook for extremely serious crimes including first degree burglary. However, his arguments ultimately hold no relevance to the Ethics Subcommittee as the complaint is not a court trial.

While Sen. Mitchell's defense refused to interact with any of the evidence presented to the committee, Mr. Ringstrom did make the ridiculous statement of calling the complaint a "witch hunt" against Sen. Mitchell. However, rather than providing proof of Sen. Mitchell's account of the events or any evidence to her innocence, he simply pleaded the 5th amendment on behalf of Sen. Mitchell in response to nearly every question that was asked. Even when asked if Sen. Mitchell's statement following her arrest was true, Mr. Ringstrom pleaded the 5th amendment. Sen. Mitchell's legal team was so disconnected from the facts and evidence of the ethics complaint, Mr. Ringstrom couldn't even acknowledge that Sen. Mitchell was arrested by law enforcement, resulting in audible laughter from the audience. 


You can view the "witch hunt" against Sen. Mitchell here.

It is never easy to stand in judgment of a colleague, however, our responsibility requires us to make difficult decisions. We are not asking the Ethics Committee to serve as a court of law. We are asking them to uphold the integrity of the Senate and restore public trust. Sen. Mitchell was silent before the ethics committee, her colleagues, and her constituents. It’s clear the most important thing to her is being the 34th and deciding vote on the Democrats’ agenda.


It became clear during the questioning the Democrat members of the Ethics Subcommittee were joining Sen. Mitchell and Mr. Ringstrom in their deflection and delay tactics. Democrat Sen. Champion repeatedly sided with Mr. Ringstrom that the committee had no way of knowing if any of the facts were true and could not make any decision if their is probable cause for an investigation despite the overwhelming evidence of wrong doing by Sen. Mitchell. Sen. Champion asserted that committee could not make any decisions until the evidence was tested in court despite a court room's rules and procedures having nothing to do with the Ethics Subcommittee. These tactics are meant to delay any action against Sen. Mitchell until after the legislative session once the Democrats have passed their far-left agenda using Sen. Mitchell's vote. Sen. Mitchell will continue hiding from her constituents and damaging the integrity of everything passed through the Senate until her next Ethics hearing on June 12th.


In Other News

Democrats shelter accused felon burglar Sen. Mitchell from accountability to retain the one vote Democrats need to pass their anti-Second Amendment legislation.

The new Minnesota state flag and seal will be officially adopted and displayed at government buildings tomorrow on Statehood Day, May 11. Approximately 120 state flags across the MN Capitol complex will be among the first to get swapped out. Local governments will be able to make the adjustment on their own time, at the expense paid for by local taxpayers.

Sen. Lucero meeting with members of 'Northwest Metro Robotics' from the Elk River / Otsego area Monday during their visit to the MN Capitol.


Staying In Touch


Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove 


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
