Help elect Stephen Smith for WV Governor.


We're having a party! An online COUCH party ;)

Join us from wherever you are as we contact our friends, ask them how the heck they're doing, let them know about the new election rules, and give them some advice on who they should vote for.


We'll be using the OutVote app on our phones OR computer to record the results, so make sure to download the app and join the campaign!

Already done some friend banking? Well, unfortunately, everything about the election has likely changed since then. Our lives are changing every day. As such, it's more important than ever that we make sure our friends and family know exactly what these new rules mean for them.

PLUS - It's a party! So we'll have MUSIC and GAMES and PRIZES!


Call in with video here
Or call in with your phone  646-876-9923 Code: 406 771 647


Can't Wait to see you!


Paid for and authorized by Smith for WV.