*** Exclusive Vice Presidential survey for John ***

John, now that Bernie Sanders has suspended his campaign, Democrats are working overtime to select a Vice Presidential candidate who can help Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump and Mike Pence. 

It’s important for grassroots Democrats like you to have a say in the process, so we have an important question to ask: 

As of right now, who do you hope is selected to be Joe Biden’s Vice Presidential running mate in 2020? Take our one-question survey today to have your feedback included.

take our survey

We have a historic opportunity to take back our government by defeating Donald Trump and flipping the Senate in November, and the decisions our party is making right now could determine the outcome. 

You’ve seen the polling that shows Democratic Senate candidates are surging in battleground races nationwide — and we believe a united party around our nominees would be unstoppable come November. 

So our question for you is, who do you believe should be selected as our party’s Vice Presidential nominee? Sound-off here.

take our survey

Thanks for responding today. It means a lot. 

— Flip the Senate 

take our survey