Flipping the switch towards a just and regenerative energy transition

Current trends show that we are drifting further away from our climate goals. Without addressing systemic flaws, our transition efforts will fall short.

Energy isn't solely about powering economies—it's about fostering resilience and well-being for all. It's time to abandon the old, extractive energy system for a bold, just, and regenerative one.

To fix the system, we need to embrace a just and regenerative mindset. We need to turbocharge radical decarbonisation using renewables and carbon-neutral sources. We need to reimagine how we conceive, produce, consume, and value energy with and for people, and delineate just transition pathways to empower people to navigate the rapidly evolving and uncertain energy landscape. 

Are you ready to flip the switch? 

Explore this special Energy Spotlight edition of our newsletter where we are shining a light on Forum for the Future's work to enable a deep and urgent energy transition. The Spotlight covers:

  • Our areas of focus;
  • New insights and perspectives on key questions facing the energy transition;
  • A future-focused look at the energy system.
Our latest film highlights the urgent need and opportunity to transform the energy system

Where is Forum focusing?

By 2030, we want to have enabled a socially just and ecologically safe transition to a renewable energy system that works for people and the planet.

To do this, we are focused on three areas where we believe our skills, expertise and experience can make a real difference:

Scaling socially just, ecologically safe and regenerative RE: We are working with people across a spectrum of markets and sectors (including developers, financiers and civil society) on more sustainable ways to scale renewable energy. Learn more.
Reimagining purpose: If the energy system is to reflect and serve the needs and expectations of citizens and communities, we have to reimagine the purpose of a future-fit energy system. Learn more.
Shaping just transition pathways: We are supporting change actors navigate the rapidly evolving and uncertain energy landscape to adopt just and regenerative energy solutions that are consistent with the goal of long-term decarbonisation. Learn more.

To deliver a truly just and regenerative energy transition, our failures tell us to delve deeper

As we reimagine our energy landscape, it's crucial to rethink consumption patterns, ensure equitable access, and empower change makers. In his compelling exploration, Forum's Global Head - Energy System Transition, Kunal Sharma writes about the critical shifts necessary for an equitable and sustainable energy transition.  ​

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Can hydrogen bring about true transformation of our energy systems?

Interest has been growing in hydrogen’s potential as an alternative to fossil fuels. But does hydrogen, as an energy carrier, support our most hopeful imaginations?  Can it really create a future that is just and regenerative, fundamentally changing how we perceive, produce, and consume energy?

Forum’s Project Officer, Annabel Johnstone, explores these questions, examining whether hydrogen's development and deployment represent innovation or familiarity.

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In the race to secure critical minerals, critical needs must be addressed

Critical minerals are key to the energy transition, but also pose big risks. Forum’s India Energy Transition Lead, Saksham Nijhawan and Senior Change Designer, Neil Walker, dissect the challenges and opportunities surrounding these essential elements for renewable energy technologies – and propose a just and regenerative way forward. 

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Funding energy transitions: how can we get more bang out of each green buck? 

India requires 293 billion USD for its renewable energy targets by 2030, a considerable investment. But what if this funding could accomplish more than just decarbonisation? What if it could also promote health, livelihoods, economic and social resilience? 

Explore reflections from Forum's Managing Director - India, Anna Biswas, on Business Insider, on how financiers can broaden the impact of funding beyond decarbonisation, empowering the renewable energy sector to achieve multiple objectives and maximise its impact.

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Community-centred approaches are key to a just energy transition
Listening, understanding and responding to the needs of stakeholders impacted by renewable energy projects can directly address challenges that arise.
Forum’s Strategist, Anjali Kannangath, outlines in The Business Times how community-centred approaches have the potential to create lasting impact, and are already doing so in parts of the world.

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The Futures Centre

The ‘not so easy task’ of re-imagining power to enable the energy transition  

What lies at the heart of the crucial intersection of power dynamics and the energy transition? How are actors in the energy sector changing these dynamics?

Forum's Director of Futures and Strategic Initiatives, Ariel Muller and Forum's Futures Centre Senior Strategist, Siddhi Ashar, explore three key signals of change in the energy industry.

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The Futures Centre team will be hosting a futures webinar at the end of May exploring some of the questions around the future of energy. To join the webinar or to learn more about this work, please get in touch with Siddhi at [email protected] or Ariel at [email protected].

Get in touch
Meet the team leading our work to transform the energy system
We asked our team about the energy transition and here's what they had to say.
What is the Achilles' heel of the energy transition? 
People need to be at the heart of the energy transition. Decarbonisation needs to go beyond the technical solutions of substituting carbon-generating gigawatts with zero-emissions sources. If citizens and communities are not part of the process, if they don't see the energy transition working for them, the transition will fall well short.
Kunal Sharma, Global Head - Energy System Transition
What are some actions businesses can take to support the energy transition?
Businesses wield significant influence in the energy transition, but their leverage points vary by type. It's their responsibility to elevate ambition, focusing on pace and shifting paradigms. Redirecting financial assets away from fossil fuels to support a just transition can also have a huge impact. Additionally, engaging customers in a way that's relevant to their brands is essential. Mindset shifts are needed across the board.
Annabel Johnstone, Project Officer
How can we develop business models that share costs and benefits of the energy transition?
According to the Climate Justice Alliance, a transition is only just when it sees the repatterning of power and a shift from an extractive to a regenerative economy. The transition to clean energy gives us an opportunity to build a resilient future. Long-term community development planning done collaboratively with communities and workforce, as part of the project development phase, is one of the ways towards a just transition.
Saksham Nijhawan, Energy Transition Lead

Are you interested in accelerating a people and planet-centric energy transition?

If so, let's chat.
Get in touch

In other news...

How can businesses take concrete actions for climate justice that are aligned with community needs? 

As climate change intensifies, the most severe harm falls disproportionately on frontline communities, who are least able to prepare for and recover from climate disasters. Climate justice strengthens current and new climate action initiatives to be more effective, efficient and inclusive.

The Business Guide to Advancing Climate Justice, co-published by Forum and B Lab U.S. and Canada, is for the many businesses who are beginning to embrace their role and responsibility in creating equity-centered solutions to the global climate crisis. It amplifies and supports the stories, voices, and wisdom from frontline community efforts and provides practical guidance for the private sector to take concrete climate justice action in partnership with communities. 

Explore the guide

The School of System Change

Systems dialogues with Lauren Hermanus
Lauren Hermanus, sustainable development researcher and practitioner, discusses systems change as a set of interlocking processes and the need to resist a mechanistic way of thinking. This dialogue is part of the Stepping Into Systems blog series. Read more.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) as a systemic practice

Discover the School’s collective inquiry into MEL in systemic practice, introduced by Anna Birney, CEO at the School. Explore what is emerging in the field of systems change and bridging traditional MEL with complexity-informed developmental MEL.

Follow the School on LinkedIn for more stories and subscribe to their newsletter for the latest on systems change courses, resources, opportunities, and events.

We're hiring...

To find out more about these vacancies, please download and read the full job descriptions. We promote and support equality, diversity and inclusion both in our own workplace and through our work with our partners and the wider public. To stay updated, you can also subscribe to Forum job alerts.


Butterfly School
From 23 May to 7 August | 10-week online course

Since the launch of Forum's Compass for Just and Regenerative Business, the interest in regenerative business has soared. Ready to take the first step towards regenerative business? Butterfly School's upcoming 10-week course is your gateway to understanding and embracing a regenerative mindset. Learn more. Get a 25% discount using code BUTTERFLY-25%. 
Responsible Business Europe 2024
11-12 June | London

Responsible Business Europe will be bringing together senior business leaders, industry experts and regulatory bodies, providing market-leading solutions to the current challenges faced by a responsible business leader.
 Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will present the closing keynote speech. Register.
Economist Impact Sustainability Week US
12-13 June | Virtual, New York

The 4th annual Sustainability Week US will deliver vital information on reducing emissions and improving environmental impact in 2024. Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will be speaking.  Register.
Reset Connect, London Climate Action Week
25-26 June | ExCeL London

Join sustainability professionals across business, finance, industry and government at the UK’s free-to-attend, sustainability ecosystem and green investment event. Forum CEO, Dr Sally Uren, will be speaking on a panel titled 'From ESG and Sustainability to Impact: The future of finance'. Register.

In the media

  • What will it take to overhaul the global energy system? Forum's Global Head - Energy System Transition, Kunal Sharma, explores this in BusinessGreen
  • As food prices soar, unlocking India's potential requires systems thinking and transformative change, writes Forum's Principal Strategist, Yamini Srivastava and Hansika Singh in Business Insider.
  • How are local communities responding to wind power development in Asia? Marvin Lagonera, energy transition expert at Forum, and Maris Cardenas, executive director of CentRE, a partner of REI Philippines, weigh in on Eco-Business.
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