![]() Patriot, The globalists at the World Health Organization – the WHO – thought they had everything under control. During the height of the Covid panic, they largely did – over your civil liberties. Governments across the world unleashed brutal lockdowns, and to our shame, most of America was no exception. And so, when the WHO launched their plans for a global “Pandemic Treaty” – to “get in front of the next public health crisis” and have all the legal means in place to implement total tyranny over the world when it comes – the WHO assumed everyone would roll over and accept it. But thanks to your efforts, the WHO Pandemic Treaty is on desperately shaky ground in America and some other nations around the world. Combined with the blowback from other countries, the WHO has been forced to retreat from many of their original plans – which were to usurp the sovereignty of all 194 member nations. And as they are due to finalize their negotiations tomorrow, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus is resorting to begging countries to fall in line. “I have one simple request: please, get this done, for [the people of the world],” he said at a Geneva meeting, pleading to countries that do not agree to the text not to block consensus. In fact, the United States does not even have an appointed representative to the executive board of the WHO! The position has been vacant for months. That the entire Republican conference in the U.S. Senate says the WHO Treaty is “dead on arrival” in the Senate is certainly encouraging. But as Campaign for Liberty’s John McCardell warned in an email earlier this week, assurances like these are never reliable. ![]() Patriot, the last few months have been painful for patriots like you and me who value liberty. Considering all the statist assaults you and I have endured, it’s too easy to believe that liberty doesn’t have a chance. But when I think of all the triumphs Campaign for Liberty has won through the years, at both the federal and state levels, I know this is a fight we can win. In fact, the globalists at the WHO already have revised what they are putting forward in the proposed treaty because of all the pressure patriots like you have brought about! Plus, with the election coming up later this year, the last thing Senate Democrats want is to remind the American people of the draconian lockdowns most of us never want to see ever again. All the more reason to get them on record right now. Click here to send a message to your U.S. Senators and demand they OPPOSE the WHO Treaty in any form! ![]() There’s no question this is a fight we simply must fight to the end. The globalist WHO Pandemic Treaty represents everything you and I fight against day in and day out, rolled into one. . . . . . A complete termination of your health freedom . . . your free speech . . . your privacy . . . your right to get
a job and provide for your family. It’s the “Lockdown Doctrine” – and it must be rejected, once and for all. In light of recent setbacks for liberty, I know things seem bleak right now. But as I noted in my dedication to every American patriot in my book, The Revolution: A Manifesto, there’s nothing you and I cannot accomplish. “The American revolutionaries did the impossible. So can we,” I wrote. I stand by those words today. And thanks to Campaign for Liberty, we’ve kept the brushfires of liberty alive in America. So after you send your directive to your U.S. Senators to oppose the WHO Pandemic Treaty – even if you already have in the past – I hope you’ll follow up by also supporting C4L with a contribution. You and I have won major victories that people didn’t think were remotely possible, like stopping National ID, the Central Bank Digital Currency, and so much more. But the WHO, with the financial backing of people like Bill Gates and the political backing of people like Klaus Schwab, is going to fight this to the end, and so must we. All of our freedom may be lost in one fell swoop if we fail. If you can donate $25, $50, $100, $500, $1,000 or more, every bit makes a difference. Time is short, and you and I need to mobilize Americans to fight this now. Your support will allow us to reach more concerned citizens about this treaty and the dangers it presents. Together, we can put pressure on the Senate to vote this treaty down. Campaign for Liberty is preparing to reach thousands and thousands more about the dangers of the WHO Pandemic Treaty through social media, online ads, and traditional media. And we simply must sound the alarm before it’s too late. Please give what you can now so we can prevent Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci from claiming victory. For Liberty, ![]() Ron Paul Chairman Campaign for Liberty P.S. Thanks to the sacrifice of our Founders, America was born a free country. But the globalists are closing in. The pandemic is the pretext, and we must DEMAND our U.S. Senators protect what remains of our liberty. Don’t sit by in silence. Tell your U.S. Senators to vote NO on the WHO Pandemic Treaty – even if you have already signed in the past. Then, be sure to pass this message on – and if possible, support Campaign for Liberty with a contribution. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of
Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |