I need you to know what just happened, John:

Marjorie Taylor Greene threatened to throw Congress into further chaos, crisis and confusion.

While extreme MAGA Republicans are in complete disarray, this is our chance to show the unity and strength of our grassroots supporters.

The DCCC checked ActBlue. If they reach 25,295 new 2024 Democratic Memberships before midnight, we could gain a major advantage to reclaim the House majority and continue our work delivering For The People. Will you rush $3 -- or any amount -- to stand with Democrats and hand extreme MAGA Republicans a stunning rebuke? >>

ACTIVIST: [email protected]

Suggested Support: $3

In critical moments like this, everyone will watch how Democrats respond.

I need a historic showing of support to send a powerful signal that we’re on the brink of a massive victory.

If we all join together to overshadow extreme MAGA Republicans and push back against their dysfunction, it will send a clear message that American values will always prevail over extremism.

While Team Extreme threatens to decimate Social Security, ban abortion nationwide and shut down our government...

Democrats are committed to protecting Social Security and Medicare, defending a woman’s right to make her own healthcare decisions and growing the middle class.

John, will you chip in $3 to the DCCC before midnight, be one of the 25,295 new 2024 Democratic Members and hand Team Extreme a stunning rebuke against their radical agenda? >>

If you’ve saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
Chip in $1 immediately >>
Chip in $35 immediately >>
Chip in $50 immediately >>
Chip in $100 immediately >>
Chip in $250 immediately >>
Or chip in another amount >>

Keep the faith,


Chip in a monthly recurring $5 to elect House Dems >>

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