Mises Institute
Thursday, May 9, 2024
The Fed Is Already Political
Connor O’Keeffe
Donald Trump’s leaked plan for the Fed has sparked a panic. But the real risk, from the establishment’s perspective, is not that Trump will turn the Fed into a political organization but that he will expose the fact that it already is one.
Evil Twins: US Federal Budget Deficits and US Trade
Jane L. Johnson
The government’s inflationary borrow-and-spend policies have given Americans a false sense of prosperity. In the end, such policies are unsustainable.
How EU Law Has Made the Internet Less Free for Everyone Else
Elites are seeking to prevent “hate speech” and “disinformation.”
Communication About Freedom
Originally recorded in 1952, this radio commentary was written and narrated by Bob LeFevre.
Man, Economy, and Financial Markets
Jon Wolfenbarger provides a brief overview of a praxeological approach to financial markets.
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Can There Be an Alliance between Austrian and Feminist Schools of Economics?
While Austrian and feminist critiques of neoclassical economics have some similarities, they also differ strongly on important points.
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It’s the PPI Once More!
Remember when inflation was “transitory”? Or when Paul Krugman claimed inflation was “under control”? The numbers keep telling us a different story.
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The Gold Standard Before the Civil War
Recorded at the The Gold Standard: An Austrian Perspective conference in Washington, DC, on November 16, 1983.
Help Us Give Away 100,000 Copies of What Has Government Done to Our Money?
The time is ripe to deliver Rothbard’s message about the government’s destruction of our money. Help us spread the word!
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