Registration opens and speaker lineup released for second Indiana Mental Health Roundtable Summit
STATEHOUSE (May 9, 2024) ? Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch announced today that registration is now open for the second Indiana Mental Health Roundtable Summit in collaboration with Riley Children's Health, Wednesday, June 12, 2024, at the Hyatt Regency Indianapolis.
This year's summit will focus on confronting the pressing mental health challenges faced by young Hoosiers.
Lt. Gov. Crouch also released the plenary speaker lineup, featuring former Congressman Patrick Kennedy and two former U.S. Surgeon Generals.??
The plenary lineup includes:?
Patrick Kennedy, former U.S. Congressman, and Dr. Leslie Hulvershorn, Department Chair, IU School of Medicine Psychiatry Department
- Addressing the Youth Mental Health Crisis through Access to Quality Care and Collaboration
Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch, Dr. Antonia Novello, U.S. Surgeon General (1990-1993) and Dr. Jerome Adams, U.S. Surgeon General (2017-2021)
- Public Health Leadership and the Mental Health Crisis:? A Conversation with Former U.S. Surgeon Generals Dr. Antonia Novello and Dr. Jerome Adams
Dr. Roshni Koli, Chief Medical Officer, Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
- The Future of Pediatric Mental Health Care
Dr. Tamika Zapolski and the IU School of Medicine Youth Coalition
- Youth Panel: A Dialogue on Mental Health and Wellness
For overviews of each plenary session and speaker bios click here.
To register for the 2024 Indiana Mental Health Roundtable Summit in collaboration with Riley Children's Health, click here.?
The Lieutenant Governor serves as President of the Indiana Senate, Secretary of Agriculture and Rural Development, chairs the Indiana Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Task Force & Indiana Roundtable on Mental Health, and oversees four state agencies.
Click here for a high resolution photo of Lt. Gov. Crouch. For email updates from her office and these agencies, click here.