On a normal work day, I clock in before the sun comes up, and I stay as long as they need me to. A few weeks ago, I worked from Saturday to Saturday… It was a 90-hour work week.


On a normal work day, I clock in before the sun comes up, and I stay as long as they need me to. A few weeks ago, I worked from Saturday to Saturday… It was a 90-hour work week.

There isn’t anybody in the United States Senate who knows what that’s like. None of them has any idea the reality of having to decide between paying the electrical bill or getting groceries.

People like me don’t run for office – and definitely not for the U.S. Senate. Because how’s a mechanic who made $48,000 last year supposed to raise enough money to take on a Republican Senator who accepts millions from corporate PACs and votes the way they want her to?

I recently had reporter Jessica Burbank ride along with me on the campaign trail, and her team created an incredible video about our campaign that I’d love for you to see. Click here to watch it now, and then please share and repost it.

There’s already enough lawyers and former business execs in Washington. It’s time we finally have a card-carrying, blue-collar union member in the U.S. Senate.

The polls all show I can win. This race is neck and neck. We even out-raised my opponent, Republican Senator Deb Fischer, during the last FEC reporting period by 2-to-1!

But I need your continued support if we’re going to win this Senate seat. Please, after you watch the new video about our campaign (it’s just 9 minutes and 27 seconds), chip in $5, $25, or whatever you can afford to help me win. I’m not taking corporate PAC money, so every dollar goes a long way.

I never could have believed so many people would get behind our campaign, but over 20,000 people like you have chipped in already – and our momentum is growing by the day.

I am so grateful. There’s no way we could have gotten this far without your grassroots support.

Thank you,

Dan Osborn