Friend, we’ll get right down to it.
We’ve got a candidate — 🌸Marcus Flowers 🌸 — running to undo 22
years of catering to corporate PACs and big business instead of
supporting the folks of GA-13 the way they deserve.
Now, he’s got a message that resonates, an army of volunteers
knocking on doors left and right, and a resume that speaks for itself.
But the truth is, if we want to win this thing, we need to DOUBLE our
efforts and ensure that we’re fully funding our TV ads,
printing enough campaign literature, and hitting every media platform
you can think of.
This movement can grow into something that changes the nature of
what it means to be a leader in Congress — and that starts with giving
the boot to the man who’s failed to do just that for more than 22
Election day is just 11 days away, and we’re
pulling out all the stops to make this happen. A donation here is
infinitely more helpful in building up our GOTV campaign than a
donation on election day. That’s
why we’re asking: will you rush a donation of $5, $10, $25, or any
amount RIGHT NOW?
If you've stored your payment information with ActBlue Express,
your donation will be processed immediately. |
Let’s send Marcus to Congress and give the people the voice they
— Flowers HQ