Friends -

I'm reaching out this morning to respectfully ask if you can make a contribution — of $3 or any amount — to my campaign today.

Here's why:

When I first ran for Congress in 2018, I decided to reject money from corporate PACs and billionaires. At the time, people saw it as a big move, but to me, it was barely a decision at all.

My team and I felt that the only way we could build a movement and run a campaign that stuck true to our shared progressive values was to lead by example. And that started by funding it all the right way — together.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of supporters from all across the country have stood by my side and proven us right. That together, a mass movement of everyday working people could fund not just one, but three winning congressional campaigns $5, $15, and $50 at a time.

It will come as no surprise that running our campaigns this way requires a monumental grassroots effort, and that a significant portion of our budget each month comes from small-dollar donations made to emails just like this one.

That's why I'm reaching out this morning. Because from time to time we need to ask, and today is one of those days:

Can you please make a contribution — of $3 or any amount — to stand with our re-election campaign for Congress today? I would not ask if your support were not so important to our success.

If you've saved payment info with ActBlue Express, your contribution will go through immediately:

Our opponents in this race — the dark money super PACs, the billionaires who fund them, right-wing special interest groups like AIPAC — they're gearing up to do and spend whatever it takes to defeat us.

Bigoted television ads blanketing the airwaves, attack mailers in every mailbox, conveniently-timed fundraising efforts for my opponent — it's all coming.

We know because they tried the same tactics against my friend Summer Lee in Pennsylvania before her victory last month. They're trying the same tactics against my friend Jamaal Bowman in New York as we speak.

As this election heats up in the months ahead, they're going to turn their focus toward our movement here in Minnesota — and you can be certain that they're not funding their work through small-dollar, grassroots donations.

It's going to take ALL of us standing together to fight back and defeat them. So please, I'm respectfully asking:

Can you use this link to make a contribution — of $3 or anything you can afford — to stand with our movement today? I rely on people like you to help fund this campaign.

As always, thank you for everything. Not just for your financial support, but for your passion, your encouragement, and for all that you bring to our collective struggle for justice.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar



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Ilhan is counting on our people-powered grassroots movement to fund this campaign. If you can, stand with us by making a contribution today.

Ilhan for Congress
PO Box 33079
Washington D.C., 20033