From The BPAS Team <[email protected]>
Subject 🚨 John, stop the attack on our abortion rights 🚨
Date May 9, 2024 3:42 PM
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In less than a week, MPs could face a once in a generation vote on our abortion rights. Get your MP to do the right thing.

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Dear John,

For almost two years, we have seen the devastation caused by the overturning of Roe v Wade in America. Now, the attack on abortion rights has reached the UK.

In less than a week, MPs could face the biggest vote on abortion rights in a generation.

On 15 May the Criminal Justice Bill will return to Parliament, and MPs will face two choices. Vote for NC1 to end the threat of police investigations, prosecutions, and prison time for women who have an abortion. Or vote for NC15 and NC41 and risk rolling back decades of progress in access to abortion care for women in the UK.

Now, more than ever, we need you.
Protect our abortion rights - email your MP now ([link removed])

The American-backed anti-abortion groups in the UK are well-resourced, well-funded, and well-connected. In the last three years anti-abortion groups have spent nearly £200,000 on advertising campaigns ([link removed]) , and ramped up their lobbying in Westminster ([link removed]) .

The attack on our abortion rights now runs the risk of undoing our 50-year old abortion laws. Amendment NC15 would reduce the abortion time limit to 22 weeks - impacting thousands of our most vulnerable women. And amendment NC41 would criminalise abortions post-24 weeks relating to Down’s Syndrome - meaning MPs opinions would outweigh clinical diagnosis.

NC15 and NC34 are a reflection of the weaponisation of abortion rights and are the biggest attacks on abortion rights in England and Wales in recent history.

As police investigations, prosecutions and prison time for illegal abortions reach a record high - our women deserve so much better.
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Stop the attack on our abortion rights

Please take two minutes today to send a message to your MP to get them to do the right thing, and protect our abortion rights.

As ever, thank you for your support.

The BPAS Team

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