At the end of the day, John, public service is about exactly that: Working to improve people’s lives in tangible ways.
That’s why I introduced a new bill in the House last week to assess the challenges and address the needs of entrepreneurs with disabilities.

This bill aims to help people with disabilities find and maintain employment, all in service of making our society and our economy more accessible.
It might sound cheesy, John, but this really is what it’s all about: Using every lever at our disposal to create positive change for people who need it.
This bipartisan bill makes me incredibly optimistic about everything else we can accomplish together, but we’re nowhere near finished.
That’s why I need your help winning re-election: So I can keep fighting for Kentuckians and their families. Can I count on you to chip in $25 to keep KY-03 blue?
This is only the beginning, John.
Morgan McGarvey