John, we have good news.


Our efforts to highlight the unprecedented web of shady connections between the Supreme Court’s conservative justices, the right-wing organizations weighing in on cases, and the major donors funding them is gaining traction.


When we launched Supreme Transparency with our friends at Revolving Door Project and True North Research, our goal was to break down the silos separating the media’s coverage of the court’s decisionmaking and the extremist outside forces influencing it. Well, we’ve just barely launched — and we’re already seeing some amazing results.

We want to keep this project going so we can help the media cover the many dangers this right-wing, partisan court poses to our democracy and pressure our elected leaders to make real change to rein in the rogue justices. But we need your help to do it.


I’ll level with you: Here at Take Back the Court, we’re a very small, scrappy team. We’re deeply committed to this fight — but we can’t do this work alone.


Projects like Supreme Transparency require us to invest a substantial amount of our team’s resources, and every dollar you can spare makes a huge difference in our ability to bring it (and projects like it) to life. Will you make a donation today to help us keep fighting the justices’ supreme corruption with #SupremeTransparency?

As we head into the Supreme Court’s decision season, it’s more important than ever to expose the right-wing powerbrokers who are buying sway at the nation’s highest court and backing the so-called “justices” as they roll back our most cherished rights and freedoms.


We can’t let this corruption continue to happen in the shadows. Help us fight back against this ongoing pattern of misconduct with #SupremeTransparency.


We’re so grateful for everything you do to support our work to reform and rebalance this broken court. Now and always, thank you.


Sarah Lipton-Lubet
President, Take Back the Court Action Fund