This Saturday, 11 May, CND activists across the country will take part in a national day of action against the return of US nuclear bombs to Britain. In the two years since this dangerous escalatory move became known to us, it has become increasingly clear that RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk is the planned destination for the deployment of the new B61-12 guided nuclear bomb. This isn't just a matter of concern for the people of East Anglia: it puts all of Britain on the nuclear front line in the event of a conflict between the US/NATO and Russia.

Earlier this week, The Mirror?published a shocking report showing the devastation a nuclear strike would cause to British cities. In London alone, a single weapon could kill almost one million people, leaving millions more with serious injuries.??

There is no way to prepare for a nuclear attack. We must oppose this development with persistent local and national campaigning. Find a local action near you and join us in saying No to US nukes this Saturday!


Demonstrations include outside the US Embassy in London, outside the main gate of RAF Lakenheath, and in Manchester, Bradford, Sheffield, Swansea, Bridgwater, and Wakefield!?

Save the date: Activists will return to RAF Lakenheath later this summer for an international peace camp organised by the Lakenheath Alliance for Peace, taking place from 13-24 July.


Save the date: meet the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings


The Japanese Peace Boat along with survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings will visit London this June. CND and the Quakers invite you to join us for an event on 3 June, where we will hear directly from those affected by the atomic bombings. More details TBC!?


Nakba 76: Join the national demonstration on 18 May


Every year, CND participates in commemorating the Nakba, or Catastrophe, where hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed from their lands in 1948 during the creation of the state of Israel. This year's anniversary comes as another Nakba is unfolding on the people of Gaza, many of whom are descended from those forced from their lands 76 years ago.?

After seven months of war, almost 34,000 people have been killed in Gaza by Israeli bombs and bullets, 14,500 of them children. Almost 80,000 people have been injured, and 8,000 people are missing. The destruction wrought on Gaza has destroyed over half the Strip's housing, as well as schools, hospitals, and places of worship. 85% of Gaza's 1.9 million people are currently displaced and left with nowhere safe to go - including those sheltering in the southernmost city of Rafah, the current target of Israel's military.??


Despite the British government's complete failure to hold Israel to account, public pressure continues to grow, both in this country and abroad. With permanent ceasefire negotiations at their most advanced since October 7, we must keep speaking and advocating for Palestinian rights and freedom. Join us on the streets of London on Saturday, 11 May, where we'll take this message to Whitehall!?

  • Saturday, 18 May
  • Assemble 12 noon, BBC, Portland Place, London
  • Route map and more details here

You can find more resources for Palestine, including a lobby tool where you can write to your MP asking them to support an immediate arms embargo on Israel here.?


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Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

162 Holloway Road

London N7 8DQ

United Kingdom