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Coming out of the District Convention last weekend, there’s good news AND bad news.


The good news: I am officially endorsed by the Republican Party.


The bad news: My opponent also received the DFL endorsement, meaning she will have the full backing of the D.C. Democrats’ money machine:


X Beltway lobbyists

X Hollywood megadonors

X Woke CEOs


Will you please rush in a special General Election gift so that I’m ready to fight back against a well-funded left-wing challenge?

I am thrilled to run on the same ticket as President Trump, carrying the GOP banner and championing a bold America First message across southern Minnesota.


After all, I am proud of my record fighting for secure borders, empowered parents, low taxes, and Minnesota agriculture.


And I know the people in our district do NOT want more Bidenflation, more Woke socialism, and more crime and chaos pouring across from Mexico.


The only problem is spreading my message—spreading the TRUTH—above all the left-wing lies and Leftist propaganda will get very expensive.


So please, with the DC Democrats going all-in to defeat me, rush in your best campaign gift so I can run hard every day through November.



Brad Finstad



PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
