25 April 2020 - start at 16:00 Repression against movements and threats against democracy during the present crisis
26. April 2020 - start at 10 am An internationalistic answer to the Corona-crisis
We will be putting up details on our website as well as social media, and sharing them in our next e-news as well. We hope that you can join us. Now more than ever, we need to strengthen.
News from the Network

European Cultural Foundation - Quarantine Culture trip
“We may need to stay inside and limit our live social contacts, but we can still expand our world and use our imagination in other ways. There is a lot more out there then Netflix. To expand our world and imagination in other ways, the staff of European Cultural Foundation have curated European cultural picks to get you through the quarantine. Discover the selection!

Minority Rights Group has released a campaign toolkit on hate speech against the Roma community, that includes tcounter hate speech strategies and ways to develop campaigns against hate speech, and a practical guide to organise trainings in communities and bring together campaigners. Check it out here.

European Network Against Racism
“COVID-19 x fundamental rights: the experiences of racialized groups in Europe” form
The European Network Against Racism (ENAR) is concerned about the impact of COVID-19 on racialized communities. It might be that you as a migrant, Black person, person of colour (this can include people of African, Arab, Asian, Caribbean, Latin American, Roma or Sinti descent) or belonging to a religious group, have been disproportionately affected or not protected by the measures taken by national authorities in the European Union. ENAR wants to hear your experience and make it heard. Take this space to tell your story!

ternYpe International Roma Youth Network and Phiren Amenca International Network will award for the very first time the “European Roma Youth Project Award 2020” as part of the EU Roma Week in order to promote Roma Youth Participation in Europe.
The prize for the winner is 2000 € and the best five projects will be presented in the European Parliament and will be published in a booklet and will be further disseminated. Representatives of the best five project ideas will be invited to take part in the whole program of the EU Roma Week between March 23-26, 2020.