Also: Check out VoteWater's 2023 annual report, out now Our 2023 annual report details a year of clean-water progress From our reporting on Big Sugar’s political spending to our "Deep Dive" investigations and our fight for better policy and policy-makers, 2023 was a big year for us — and we’ve chronicled our wins and the challenges that lie ahead in our 2023 Annual Report, out now (and available via our website at In it, we detail how we’ll be stepping up our efforts to pressure elected leaders and provide you with the tools you need to make change. You can also read more about our “Dirty Money Project” and other efforts this election year to make sure the clean-water cause is on the political agenda. If you haven’t received your copy, email
[email protected] and we’ll send you one right away. If you did get one, and you like what you see — please consider a donation, as your support powers our fight for clean water and political accountability. DONATE TO VOTEWATER Martin County favors developers (again). But you can vote for change Last week the Martin County Board of County Commissioners sided with a developer over clean water and constituents, approving a project known as “The Ranch” (formerly “Calusa Creek”) which will be some 6,000 feet — that is, more than a full mile — beyond the county’s urban service boundary. Normally, development is discouraged where those "urban services" — think water and sewer — are lacking. But in 2022 Martin County officials (at the behest of a developer) added the new "rural lifestyles" text amendment to its comprehensive plan, allowing parcels of 1,000 acres or more adjacent to the the urban service districts to be developed. But developers are eager to play leapfrog, and last week Martin County Commissioners helpfully voted (again, at the behest of a developer) to allow the "rural land use" designation to apply to projects up to a mile past the urban service boundary, paving the way for "The Ranch." The project includes 175 pricey homes, nature preserves and two private golf courses catering to high-end players. Meaning, there’ll be lots of pressure to keep those greens green — involving lots of fertilizer. But not to worry, said the developer: The Ranch will use water from the nearby C-44 canal and water going back into the canal will be cleaner than the water coming out. Of course, there’ll be no regular testing to verify this. So the commissioners are basically taking the developer’s word for it. Great idea, don’t you think? Afterwards, TCPalm columnist Blake Fontenay ripped the commission’s decision — but pointed out that citizens do have recourse: “Commissioners Ed Ciampi and Doug Smith have announced plans to run for new terms, while Harold Jenkins so far has not. In all three cases, there are other candidates running for seats currently held by commissioners who've been waving developers' projects through like prom queens on parade," Fontenay wrote. “If voters don't send a message at the polls this year, there's no reason to expect the commissioners will change their behavior. “Send them a message,” wrote Fontenay. Indeed, that’s what “voting water” is all about. READ THE BLOG POST AT VOTEWATER.ORG Need a right to clean water petition? Stop by our office! Our friends at the Florida Right to Clean Water committee are hard at work gathering signatures to get an amendment guaranteeing Floridians the right to an enforceable, fundamental right to clean and healthy waters on the 2026 ballot — and if you've need a petition to sign, or you have a signed petition you'd like to turn in, stop by the VoteWater office at 3727 SE Ocean Boulevard in Sewall's Point, Martin County, and we can help you out. So come see us — and pick up some more petitions for your friends! The fight for clean water needs your support! This election season, VoteWater is committed to keeping you informed about candidates for public office, who's a friend of clean water — and who isn't. But to do this crucial work, we need your help. Please consider making a donation or becoming a member today. DONATE BECOME A MEMBER VoteWater 3727 SE Ocean Blvd Suite 200-A Stuart, FL 34996 | (772) 212-2939 VoteWater | 3727 SE Ocean Blvd, Suite 200-A, Stuart, FL 34996 Unsubscribe
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