Have you signed up yet?
You might have seen our launch of the WhoFundsThem project this week: we're gathering together volunteers to help dig through data on MPs' financial interests, so we can make it available for everyone.
Get involved: Thanks to everyone who's signed up already. And if you're still not sure, here's where to find out more about being part of this important investigation.
Time-strapped? Not everyone has time to volunteer, and we fully understand that. If you have the means to contribute financially instead, that really helps too. Here's where to donate.
Changes to TheyWorkForYou voting records
Two exciting pieces of news around the MPs' voting records that we publish on TheyWorkForYou:
- We've added 23 new policies, including water and air quality; women's pension age; voter ID and lots more. You'll see these on your MP's page if they have voted on the issue at hand.
- Less immediately visible, but just as, if not more, important: we've changed the way we manage the votes that feed into each MP's voting record. The headline? We're limiting them to "votes that are about action rather than words". Read all about it here.
Missing APPGs
APPGs are All Party Parliamentary Groups, in which MPs work together around topics that they're interested in.
Between March and April, 278 of them went missing. That's a big change, and we were curious: so we looked into why.
TICTeC keynote announcement
We're thrilled that the second day of proceedings at TICTeC will be firmly set into motion by keynote Nick Mabey OBE, founder and co-CEO of E3G and the force behind London Climate Action Week. Read all about Nick here.
Will you be there, listening to Nick's insightful presentation? Get your ticket now — and hurry! TICTeC always sells out, and it's looking like this year will be no exception.
Help us send you the emails you want to read
We do a lot of different things here at mySociety, and we appreciate that not everyone will be interested in every single part of it.
So if you've got a minute, please tell us a bit more about yourself, and we'll work towards sending you the stuff you really want to read.
Local Intelligence Hub update
Local Intelligence Hub, our newest tool, launched with data covering parliamentary constituencies, but as from now you can also explore at the local council level.
Not sure what that means for you? In this blog post, we explain ways to use the new data, and how it can help.
Join us for a lunchtime demo - today!
Local Intelligence Hub is super-easy to use, but even easier still? Sitting back and watching while we take you through it.
Sign up for this demo, hosted by the Democracy Network, and you can do just that. The session runs from 12:00-13:00, today.
Scorecards are having impact
Two heartwarming stories coming out of the Council Climate Action Scorecards:
We spoke to Lucie Bolton, a Climate Strategy Officer who, on taking up this new role, used the Scorecards to shape her council's Climate Action Plan — and continues to find them useful. Discover how the Scorecards have informed Lucie's work in our case study.
And you never know where else your projects will be making change. We recently heard from a project in Canada who took inspiration from Scorecards to enrich their own local government climate monitoring project.
DataViz Show and Tell
How can you use data visualisation tools to get stories across? We brought together two international Freedom of Information projects, so one could learn from the other.
And now you can learn too: watch the video here or read the summary on our blog. We think that while the tips are great for FOI, they'll also be useful to anyone wanting to learn about easy ways to make their data into more compelling visual assets.
Appreciate what we do?
As we hope this newsletter makes clear, we're very busy all the time, making democracy more accessible to everyone, and providing the tools to help people play an active part in society.
If you can help us out, please do head to our secure donate page. Every contribution helps us to work harder and faster towards a better, more inclusive society. Thank you.
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