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Victims of child sexual abuse should not be dissuaded from coming forward and reporting perpetrators as a result of the conviction of Cardinal George Pell
being overturned, a barrister and professor of law in Melbourne says.
The Jewish Chronicle and Jewish News are to close and their staff made redundant, according to sources, after their parent company ran out of money as the
coronavirus pandemic devastates the media industry.
The US Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on a major abortion case out of Texas that could resolve whether states may effectively ban the procedure with
limited exceptions during the coronavirus pandemic.
Pell will continue to be assailed by multiple lawsuits. In contrast, the complainant has been believed by a jury, by a majority judgment and by a substantial
body of public opinion.
Critics say Australia's courts exhibited a penchant for secrecy and insular decision-making that resembled the Roman Catholic Church's flawed response to
sexual abuse within its ranks.
To some, Israeli health minister Yaakov Litzman is guilty of a "catastrophic failure" of leadership for not urgently conveying the coronavirus threat to the
ultra-Orthodox Jewish community that elected him.
Australia's top court has overturned the conviction of the Vatican's former treasurer for sexually assaulting two boys. But that doesn't necessarily mean
it's plain sailing from here for him, says Keith Porteous Wood.
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