🍉Day of Palestinian Struggle🍉

This Saturday, May 11 


Westlake Plaza

Join Seattle DSA at Westlake Park to participate in the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the Nakba


Let’s Tax Big Business to Build Affordable Housing in Seattle!


Today, Wednesday, 4:30 - 7pm
I-137 Tabling at the Columbia City Farmers Market
37th Ave S

Thursday. May 9, 6pm - 8pm
I-137 Tabling at Wallingford QFC

4500 Wallingford Ave N


or Canvass in Columbia City

3518 S Edmunds St


Saturday, May 11, 10am - 2pm

1-137 Tabling at Beacon Hills Art Festival
1600 S Roberto Maestas Festival

We’ll be gathering signatures for a ballot this Fall to Tax Big Business to build affordable housing!


No experience required, training will be provided on site and you will be paired with experienced volunteers!

What is I-137?


🍉Palestine Solidarity Social🍉

This Saturday, May 11


Columbia Park (near the light rail station in Columbia City)


Our working group will be meeting up Saturday, 5:30 PM, at Colombia Park right by the Colombia City Link Station to socialize, celebrate the work we’ve done in the last few months and talk with comrades as we keep building our movement for Palestinian liberation.


Women’s Revolution, Direct Democracy & Social Ecology in North-East Syria

This Sunday, May 12


Southside Commons (3518 S Edmunds)

Seattle DSA is proud to be co-sponsoring Report from Rojava: Women’s Revolution, Direct Democracy & Social Ecology in North-East Syria, a panel discussion which will take place Sunday, May 12th (4pm - 6pm at Southside Commons). The event is part of a West Coast speaking tour led by Debbie Bookchin and Arthur Pye of the Emergency Committee for Rojava.

After nearly twelve years, despite a relentless war of aggression waged by Turkey and ISIS, the Kurdish freedom movement, alongside the other diverse peoples of North-East Syria, continue to build and defend a sweeping social revolution rooted in the principles of direct-democracy, women’s liberation, cooperative economics, cultural pluralism and social ecology.

Though seldom discussed in the media, the struggle in Rojava is at the forefront of global struggles against colonialism, capitalism, patriarchy and state domination, offering critical lessons for socialists everywhere.


How is society being organized in Rojava? What are the revolution’s achievements and challenges? And what lessons could we apply to organizing in our own local communities?

Join us for a discussion about what is happening in Rojava, why it matters, and how we can stand in solidarity.

We hope to see you there!

In solidarity,

- Seattle DSA

Debbie Bookchin is an author and longtime journalist, writer and speaker on municipalism, who also served as press secretary to Bernie Sanders for three years when he was first elected to the US Congress. Her writing has appeared in The Atlantic, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The Nation, and many other outlets. She is a founding member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava.

Arthur Pye is a writer and community organizer based in Seattle, who recently returned from North-East Syria where he lived for one year studying the Rojava revolution. He is a member of the Emergency Committee for Rojava, as well as Seattle DSA, and his recent writings can be found in Strange Matters magazine.