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Editor's Note:

We all know that most universities are the beneficiaries of federal grant money that can amount to billions of dollars every year. Certainly some of it goes toward useful research, but more and more of it supports radicalism such as gender-and-race-based grievance studies and anything related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Now it is even contributing to the violence and destruction we have seen over the past few weeks. As David Ditch explains, legislators and taxpayers can put a stop to some of this nonsense by refusing to foot the enormous bills. We will see if they have the courage. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
How Federal ‘Science’ Spending Helps Radicalize College Students
May 8, 2024

Americans are watching as hordes of anti-American and anti-Israel activists have seized public spaces, occupied university buildings, denied access to reporters, and clashed with police and counterprotesters (all while demanding free food).

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