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** We've moved from Fridays to Tuesdays! TONIGHT at 6:00 p.m.: the Howard Jarvis Radio Show LIVE on 790 KABC and 560 KSFO and streaming online
Join HJTA President Jon Coupal and Vice President of Communications Susan Shelley for the Howard Jarvis Radio Show tonight at 6:00 p.m. LIVE on both 790 KABC in Southern California and 560 KSFO in Northern California.
You can also listen on your computer or mobile device at KABC.com ([link removed]) and KSFO.com ([link removed]) . If you miss the show, the recording will be available on the home page of HJTA.org ([link removed]) , or you can download it (and subscribe!) wherever you get your podcasts.
Susan and Jon will be taking your phone calls, live on the air. Call in to the show at 1-800-222-5222. You can also email the show with your questions or comments at radio@hjta.org. We look forward to hearing from you!
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