Hi Friend,
"Big fat wake up
call." That's how Mike Hosking described the
just-released OECD 'Economic Survey'.
This report exposes the bleak picture of our economy, government
finances, lagging productivity, debt, and dismal education outcomes.
emailing to ask for your support so we can take on the
Wellington-elite and educate the public that it's time to 'get real'
and face the hard facts before it's too late.

Right now, Nicola Willis, Chris Luxon, and Cabinet are making the
most important decisions about this year's Budget. These decisions
will determine the economic path New Zealand takes for at
least the next decade.
Either Willis
plays it "safe" and delivers, in effect, Grant Roberston's 7th Budget
– or she takes the hard (but necessary) decisions to avoid locking-in
New Zealand's economic drift and decline.
Meanwhile the media, and Wellington's lanyard-class, continue to
have meltdowns about the small measures Willis has taken so far to
save money.
But these barely touch the sides. Unless we force Wellington to
face the facts and acknowledge the fiscal cliffs caused by the last
Government's reckless spending – our prosperity, relative to
Australia's, will continue to decline.
Friend, this month's Budget is the high-water-mark of what
Nicola Willis will delver as Finance Minister. Every day that
passes for a new Government makes it that much harder to make the
tough decisions. That's
why I'm asking for your support and donation towards our Budget 2024
I have two
young kids and, like many New Zealanders, lie awake at night worrying
about the future of our country. Like you, I want New Zealand to be a
place where our kids and grandkids choose to stay and have every
opportunity we know this country is capable of offering. Only with a
strong economy can we stem the tens of thousands of families deciding
they are better off across the Tasman.
New Zealand chooses to be
poor because successive governments have kicked hard decisions down
the road. Now some National MPs are arguing Nicola Willis
mustn't 'rock the boat'.
In short, some Nats
are letting
the media's over-the-top rhetoric about small moves to cut back some
bureaucrats – get in the way of the decisions needed to get
Government spending back to pre-COVID
we must ensure that Nicola Willis doesn't do the same, and we need to
work together now before the political opportunity is
We need to fight to ensure Nicola
Willis does what is right, not what is
Here's some facts that Chris Hipkins, Chlöe Swarbrick, and their
friends in the media won't tell you:
As of today, your household’s share of Grant Robertson’s
debt amounts to about $89,572. That number continues to rise
by $39 a day for every
household in the country.
The Government is spending so much, that despite New Zealanders
paying so much more tax due to inflation dragging everyone into high
tax brackets, even if the economy was booming, Treasury say
that the Government would still be in deficit (i.e.
Even after adjusting for inflation, Government spending has
increased by 45% since 2017 and is now $72,653 per year for
every household in the country.
In just a few years, the Government will be paying more in
interest than the total spend Law & Order (Police, the Courts,
Justice), Transport (road building, public transport) and
Communications, Security and Intelligence combined.
Our labour productivity growth (how much we produce for
every hour worked – which ultimately drives our living standards) is
one third slower than the rich-world average. Unless things
change, we won't be a rich country for much longer. And we are already
seeing it in our dismal immigration flows, our Australian cousins are
already leaving us in the dust.
And even with all that money, our public services are declining.
Despite the OECD report calling out our failing education system, not
one journalist asked Chris Hipkins (under whose leadership the decline
happened) about it. Classic example of the problem...
Unless there is a strong
campaign from the Taxpayers' Union, the media will successfully paint
Nicola Willis as 'nasty', no matter how small the cut-backs
actually are. That's
why I'm asking our most loyal supporters like you to make your Budget
2024 contribution and ensure there is some balance to the Budget
coverage and debate.
can't do it alone, .
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
ps. With only a few weeks until the Budget, now is the
time to take action. Today, we are reaching out to our valued
supporters – individuals like you who understand the importance of
protecting New Zealand's status as a first world economy. We're asking
for donations so we can ensure the Government takes the necessary
decisions to draw a line under the last six years of fiscal
recklessness. Click
here to make a confidential donation via our secure
Thank you for your support!