Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Dear John,

I trust you are being safe and are doing well in the midst of this pandemic.  However, the Democrats are once again becoming "Unhinged" regarding COVID-19 and placing any blame they can on President Trump.

Stars and Stripes Forever PAC's board member, Chuck Muth, summed it up quite simply in his March 30th newsletter called "Muth's Truths"...

Please enable images to see Muths Truths

Please enable images to see Muths Truths

Please enable images to see Muths Truths

The Democrats will stop at nothing to defeat President Trump.  They impeached him… He was acquitted.

Now they are trying to blame him for not handling the Coronavirus effectively and hold him responsible for the tragic deaths of our fellow Americans.

We must continue to fight against their lies and hatred to make sure that President Trump is re-elected.  Our country's future depends on it!

Please donate immediately to keep our ads on the air in Alabama, California, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota and New Mexico --- all carefully selected for high percentage of minority voters, a battleground state, and/or to defeat a radical socialist who hates America!

John, if we're going to win in November...


Liberal Billionaire Mike Bloomberg Has Pledged $2 Billion to Defeat Trump"Mini Mike" Bloomberg just donated $18 Million to the DNC to help them defeat President Trump and has pledged to spend a total of $2 BILLION against him...

Frankly, his money would be better spent helping out his state and fellow New Yorkers that have been hit so hard with the virus.  But it seems he hates Donald Trump more than he loves his fellow man.  Despicable to say the least.

And now that Bernie is out, Sleepy Joe will get huge influxes of cold, hard cash!

Please, John, donate today to keep us on the air, dispelling the Liberals' Lies and fighting for President Trump.

Stay safe.  Stay well.  United together as caring Americans, we'll get through this and be all the stronger from what we learned.

It's who we are...

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC



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