
In terms of registration, we are fighting an intense battle against the Socialist Democrats in Arizona this year. This battle can be won, but first we have to turn the tide against them by making sure we don’t let our foot off the gas and outpace them in voter registration.

It starts with YOU and making sure you are registered to vote. If you’re already registered to vote, that’s great! If not, click the image below to register RIGHT NOW!
The critical importance of registration is simple: You cannot help elect conservative Republican candidates unless you are registered to vote before the registration deadline. We understand this, and with the registration deadline rapidly approaching, we are doing everything we can to register as many Republicans as possible. 

Right now, it costs our party about $6 per registration, which might not seem like that much, but if we have a successful day of registration, it can add up. We need YOUR help to continue to register Republicans to vote in November, is there any way you can help us out?
Win 2020,
Arizona Republicans