What do you want to see happen in Iowa, John?

That is a pretty big question! But I bet you and I have pretty similar answers:

Free school lunches for Iowa's school children;
Safe and legal access to abortion care;
A cleaner environment;
Safe schools;
Good-paying jobs, and so much more.

That's what I am fighting for at the State House, but I need your help to keep that fight going. In November I will go toe-to-toe with an extremist who will stand against everything we have fought for, and I need your help. Can you chip in $11 today and help us fight for hard-working Iowans and our progressive values?


Far-right extremists hold all the cards in Des Moines. They control the Governor's Mansion, the House, the Senate, and the courts, all with the goal of importing a far-right national agenda. It's absurd and exactly what Iowans don't need — we need action on the most important issues, not solutions to the far-right's fictional problems.

Iowa's Republican Godfathers are tired of Democrats who fight back and hold them accountable, so they recruited my opponent to help them achieve their extremist agenda. And in a district that Governor Reynolds won by 10 points, we can't afford to sit on the sidelines: We need to start organizing today.

Our next fundraising deadline is May 14th — seven days away — and we need to show that our grassroots movement is growing and we are doing the work to organize our community.

We set a goal for 37 grassroots donations before the deadline. As of today, we are only 29 donations away. Can I count on you to chip in today and help us grow a grassroots movement that can stand up to far-right extremism in Iowa?

We need to Stand Tall for All, together. 


Express Donate:

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