Friend --

Nearly 30 years ago, I stood up in front of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing and declared that women’s rights are human rights. In attendance that day were AAPI women activists who then took it upon themselves to gather and pledge their commitment to a national and progressive movement for Asian and Pacific American women in the United States. Within a year, the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum was founded.

I’ve been lucky enough to work with NAPAWF over the years in our shared mission to recognize the rights and humanity of AAPI women and girls -- and I’m honored that they’re formally joining the Onward Together family this month as our newest partner. The work that they do is invaluable, and was particularly critical in the early pandemic, when anti-Asian violence reached an unfortunate high.

Today, I hope you’ll take a moment to learn more about NAPAWF below and learn how you can be a part of their work.



Onward Together works to build a brighter future for generations to come by supporting groups that encourage people to organize in their communities or run for office. Because you’re an important part of Onward Together, we wanted you to get a chance to know these groups a little bit better.

The organization: National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum

The organizers: Sung Yeon, current executive director and long-time community organizer

The mission: To mobilize and build power to create social, political, and economic change for AAPI women and girls.

The story: In 1996, a group of 100 AAPI women came together to establish an organization that would amplify AAPI women’s stories and experiences. NAPAWF’s “founding sisters” recognized that the voices of AAPI women all too often went unseen and unheard. They founded NAPAWF to center our lived experiences within the broader public narrative. More than 25 years later, NAPAWF continues this mission by empowering AAPI women and girls to shape policy, influence cultural change, and gain agency over every aspect of our lives.

The next step: This year, NAPAWF launched the AAPI Gender Justice Collaborative with eight partner organizations to build a gender justice movement to ensure AAPI voices are included in policies that center reproductive justice values at a time when the conversation is more important than ever before.

Learn more at




Onward Together
PO Box 5256
New York, NY 10185
United States

Contributions or gifts to Onward Together, a 501(c)(4) organization, are not tax deductible as charitable contributions or as business deductions.

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