From Liz Willen <[email protected]>
Subject Rethinking kindergarten math
Date May 7, 2024 6:44 PM
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A helping hand with child care, for teachers

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The Report
A newsletter from The Hechinger Report
Liz Willen
Hi all!

In our ongoing coverage of math, The Hechinger Report decided to start early, and take a look at what public school students are learning in kindergarten.

What we found ([link removed]) surprised us: Too often, teachers spend this crucial year reinforcing basic information students may already know, such as counting and recognizing shapes — instead of teaching foundational, early math concepts they’ll need to build upon for years to come.

Hiring and retaining good teachers is another topic we care deeply about, one reason why we are excited to share this story ([link removed]) , in collaboration with our partners at the Education Reporting Collaborative, on school districts that are offering daycare help for teachers. It’s a solution that retains parenting teachers who might otherwise have to choose between career and motherhood.

We’d love to hear more from our readers on these and other issues, so get in touch. Also, our spring campaign kicked off this week. It’s brief, but hugely meaningful for us. Our goal is to raise $5,000 in five days. If reading The Hechinger Report is part of your routine, I hope you’ll consider supporting us with a gift ([link removed]) .

Liz Willen, Editor

Main Idea

** Kindergarten math is often too basic. Here’s why that’s a problem ([link removed])
Teaching is often too focused on early skills like counting, instead of building a bridge to later math learning
The Hechinger Report thanks its sponsors. Become one. ([link removed])
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Reading List

** ‘I can be mom and teacher’: Schools tackle child care needs to keep staff in classrooms ([link removed])
Schools shoulder the burden in states where early learning is underfunded

** OPINION: Patient care will suffer if we don’t attract more young people to healthcare fields ([link removed])
To fill big gaps in the workforce, we need new policies to help attract and train new talent

** PROOF POINTS: 5 takeaways about segregation 70 years after the Brown decision ([link removed])
Despite decades of progress, there are some worrying signs

** OPINION: This is no time to ban DEI initiatives in education; we need DEI more than ever ([link removed])
Unprotected educators bear the brunt of the backlash, but this work is too important to abandon

** Universities and colleges search for ways to reverse the decline in the ranks of male students ([link removed])
Admissions offices are trying everything from entrepreneurship programs to hunting classes

** Across the country, student journalists are covering protests of their own classmates and reaction by their own administrations ([link removed])
From sidewalk chalk messages to police in riot gear, situations are changing fast

** Asesores universitarios prometen “abrir la puerta” a estudiantes negros e hispanos a pesar del fallo de acción afirmativa ([link removed])
Tras la decisión de la Corte Suprema que prohíbe la acción afirmativa, los grupos de asesoramiento universitario que atienden a estudiantes negros e hispanos enfrentan confusión, pero están decididos a no perder más terreno.

** Amid clampdown on DEI, some on campuses push back ([link removed])
‘Let’s not get tricked into being quiet,’ a college president says about attacks on what can be taught

** States spending more overall on pre-K, but there are still many haves and have nots ([link removed])
Programs vary widely in terms of quality, access and curriculum

** Q&A: Barnard students share experiences of suspension and eviction during Columbia protests ([link removed])
‘The world does not have to be this way’

** Maryland becomes the third state to completely ban legacy preference in admissions ([link removed])
New legislation will ban preferences for children of alumni or donors at all private and public colleges in the state
Listen Up
This month, we and our partners at GBH bring you a new season of the College Uncovered podcast. In our first season ([link removed]) , we helped you navigate the college admissions process. Now we’re back with season 2 ([link removed]) to guide you through the even more confusing territory of financial aid and some of the ways colleges make their prices seem much lower than they actually are. This is the latest episode:

** The Real Cost of Free ([link removed])
College Uncovered, Season 2, Episode 5
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