Great news – my TED Talk came out today!  I’m pumped to have it out in the world as I believe it could be the best case made yet to the biggest audience for a different approach to curing American politics.        

Every day we are bombarded by messages about how divided and polarized we are – yet there is a real and concrete path to improve the incentives to make America more rational right now.
I open my talk with why American politics are so dysfunctional and why the incentives are so corrupted, and then break down how the changes made to the primary elections in Alaska in 2020 led to better processes and outcomes just two years later.  Making similar changes to the primaries in 5 to 10 other states would cost only 2% of what the 2 parties are going to spend this year inflaming and aggravating us.  How much is being spent to bring us back together or improve the system?  This is the highest-leverage way to solve the biggest problems facing humanity: only by making our government’s incentives rational can we make progress on addressing poverty, climate change, AI and other major challenges. 
If you have 10 minutes you can watch the TED Talk here.  I hope you agree that it’s worth sharing.  Please do forward it to friends and family who would have an interest – let’s get the numbers up and spread the word!  If you’re on social media please amplify it as well.  There are two places the talk will likely be viewed:  on TED’s website and on YouTube. 
I’ll confess that it’s my hope that this talk will unlock new resources for the movement.  For people in the fortunate position to fund ballot initiatives, Unite America is aggregating funds right now.  To join the reform movement, consider joining the Forward Party, or as I call it in my talk, “Team Overhaul the Incentives.” 
TED’s tagline is “Ideas Change Everything.”  Can a video seen by millions catalyze real change?  Let’s find out.  Hope you’re as excited about this way to get the message out as I am!   

Andrew Yang

Co-Chair, Forward Party
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