Texas Values is committed to being a resource for Pastors, Churches, Christian ministries and all Christians during this unprecedented time. We have put together some important coronavirus related resources you might find of benefit. Please feel free to reach out to us if you need any assistance. You can reach us at [email protected] and stay tuned to our regularly updated coronavirus blog post on our website.

  1. Churches Are Essential: Governor Abbott recently announced the church as an “essential” service as it relates to COVID-19.  With this in mind, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton put out a “Letter on House of Worship Guidance” related to COVID-19. Read the guidance letter here
  2. How Does New CARES ACT Relief Bill Help Your Church? Looking to apply for a Small Business Administration loan for your church to meet payroll, rent or utilities? The Paycheck Protection Program included in the CARES ACT relief bill allows for churches and faith-based non-profit organizations to participate in the loan program, and they cannot be denied a loan because of their status as a religious institution:

    -Learn the details about the Paycheck Protection Program and how to apply here.

    -View the Faith-Based Organization FAQ regarding the participation of faith-based organizations and churches in the Paycheck Protection Program.

    -View a helpful resource from our national ally Family Research Council on What Churches and Nonprofits Need to Know About Accessing SBA Loans.
  3. Pregnancy Resource Centers May Stay Open: If you or your church are part of the effort to meet the needs of moms with diapers and other essential items please see Texas Values' pregnancy center legal memo on how pregnancy resource centers services are considered essential. The memo focuses on Austin and Travis County; if you have questions about pregnancy resource centers in your town, please contact Texas Values.
  4. U. S. Senator Ted Cruz Answers Questions About COVID-19 Impact on Churches and all Texans: As you may have seen on the Texas Values Facebook Live, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has been working hard to make sure there are resources for Texans to seek relief during the COVID-19 crisis. Please watch our special Facebook Live interview with Senator Cruz and see Senator Cruz’s website for COVID-19 Updates.

Texas Values is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. Copyright © 2020 Texas Values, All rights reserved.


Texas Values
900 Congress Ave.
Suite L115
Austin, Texas 78701
(512) 478-2220