Developing and advancing policies that enhance people’s freedom


“The medical community interpreted the Chinese data as this was serious, but smaller than anybody expected because probably, we were missing significant amount of the data.”

- Dr. Deborah Birx, White House Coronavirus Response Director


Pelosi's Coronavirus Investigative Committee

Did you hear that Speaker Nancy Pelosi is setting up a new House committee to investigate the president in the midst of a pandemic? The House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Crisis will investigate how the $2 trillion from the latest rescue bill is being spent. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy pointed out that there are oversight provisions built into the original bill.


A Tribute to Patients and Their Families From an ICU in New York

Dr. Qanta Ahmed, pulmonologist at NYU Langone and IWF visiting fellow, is on the frontlines caring for critically ill COVID-19 patients at New York University-Winthrop, part of the NYU Langone health system. She shares a tribute to patients’ families on "these quiet Americans, are the unsung heroes of this calamity."


Cities Rethink Minimum Wage Hikes

In light of coronavirus, cities and municipalities are rethinking legislated increases to their minimum wages, so they don’t push businesses temporarily closed to shutter entirely. While suspending minimum wage increases now because of coronavirus is a prudent step, an even more prudent step would be to repeal or cancel future increases.

The Media Want You to Think the President Is Ignoring the Experts

One of the accusations progressives love to fire at conservatives is that conservatives “don’t believe in science.” The media has been building a narrative that President Trump and Dr. Anthony Fauci, White House coronavirus task force member and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director, are at odds. If you watch the president’s daily briefings, you likely see that most of the press use the valuable time to try to trip up the president, rather than getting good scientific information for the public.


Americans Help Those in Need With Charitable Donations

The COVID-19 crisis is taking its toll on many, from the workers who have lost their jobs to the small businesses that may shutter before they are able to access the forthcoming assistance. Meanwhile, philanthropic organizations and individuals are coming together to weather the storm of COVID-19 and bring hope to those facing its hardships.


Let's Stay Connected: Join #IWFReads Virtual Book Club

During this time of uncertainty and change, Independent Women’s Forum understands the need to stay connected. After all, we are #InThisTogether. That’s why we created a virtual book club as a fun way to stay connected and engaged with similarly curious, independent-minded women. Register for the #IWFReads Book Club today.
Does Free-Range Parenting Exist During COVID-19?


Mayor De Blasio “Troubled” by Samaritan’s Purse Helping Sick New Yorkers

An evangelical organization headed by the son of Billy Graham set up a make-shift hospital in New York's Central Park. However, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio is "troubled" by the hospital's presence and will be monitoring the organization for discrimination. It is a mistake to assume that these same organizations would not be eager to serve members of these communities. De Blasio's attitude is unfair and condescending. Monitoring Christians is possibly not the best use of New York officials’ time as this crisis deepens in New York.

Coronavirus Making Families Feel Vulnerable

According to reports, crime has increased across the nation with stay-at-home orders most likely to blame. Five of the seven major index crimes—robbery, felony assault, burglary, grand larceny and car theft—showed a marked increase this year compared to last year. Considering these numbers and the continued uncertainty of how long the stay-at-home orders will remain, is it any wonder that gun sales are up?