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NPR: The states to watch on the 2024 electoral map
Only a handful of states will decide the 2024 elections
Similar map to the NPR article one linked above, but more emphasis on the states in yellow (the toss up states - NV, AZ, WI, MI, PA, GA)
Voto Latino has set ambitious voter registration goals in these battleground states
Similar to “countdown begin” email, VL goal in front of a cutout of the state (AZ 65,000, FL 60,000, GA 40,000, MI 15,000, MN 10,000, NV 30,000, NC 35,000, PA 15,000, TX 220,000, WI 10,000)
In 2020, the number of voters we registered in Arizona and George surpassed Biden’s margin of victory
Outlines of GA and AZ with voters registered and Dem margins underneath
43,892 in AZ (Dem Margin 10,457)
28,216 in GA (Dem Margin 11,778)
We’ve done it before. And with your help, we can do it again.
Every donation of $24 helps us register one new young Latino voter in a swing state. Will you [PITCH IN] today to power our efforts?
Text over outline of map of US
Voto Latino
PO Box 35608
Washington , DC 20033
United States
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